504-Absolutely Essential Words-6th edition Lesson 5 words 1-12 | #504essentialwords

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504-Absolutely Essential Words-6th edition Lesson 5 words 1-12
1. tradition beliefs, opinions, and customs handed down
from one generation to another
a. The father tried to persuade his son that the tradition of
marriage was important.
b. All religions have different beliefs and traditions.
c. As time goes on, we will eliminate* traditions that are meaningless.
2. rural in the country
a. Tomatoes are less expensive* at the rural farm stand.
b. Rural areas are not densely* populated.
c. The rural life is much more peaceful than the city one.
3. burden what is carried; a load
a. The burden of the country's safety is in the hands of the president.
b. Irma found the enormous* box too much of a burden.
c. Ricky carried the burden throughout his college career.
4. campus grounds of a college, university, or school
a. The campus was designed to utilize all of the college's buildings.
b. Jeff moved off campus when he decided it was cheaper to live at
c. I chose to go to Penn State because it has a beautiful campus.
5. majority the larger number; greater part; more than half
a. A majority of votes was needed for the bill to pass.
b. The majority of people prefer to pay wholesale* prices for meat.
c. In some countries, the government does not speak for the majority
of the people.
6. assemble gather together; bring together
a. The rioters assembled outside the White House.
b. I am going to assemble a model of a spacecraft.
c. All the people who had assembled for the picnic vanished* when
the rain began to fall.
7. explore go over carefully; look into closely; examine
a. Lawyer Spence explored the essential* reasons for the crime.
b. The weather bureau explored the effects of the rainy weather.
c. Sara wanted to know if all of the methods for solving the problem
had been explored.
8. topic subject that people think, write, or talk about
a. Predicting* the weather is our favorite topic of conversation.
b. Valerie only discussed topics that she knew well.
c. The speaker's main topic was how to eliminate* hunger in this
9. debate a discussion in which reasons for and against
something is brought out
a. The debate between the two candidates was heated.
b. Debate in the U.S. Senate lasted for five days.
c. Instead of shrieking* at each other, the students decided to
have a debate on the topic.
10. evade get away from by trickery or cleverness
a. Juan tried to evade the topic by changing the subject.
b. In order to evade the police dragnet, Ernie grew a beard.
c. The prisoner of war evaded questioning by pretending to be sick.
11. probe (prob) search into; examine thoroughly; investigate
a. The lawyer probed the man's mind to see if he was innocent.
b. After probing the scientist's theory,* we proved it was correct.
c. King Henry's actions were carefully probed by the noblemen.
12. reform (ri form') make better; improve by removing faults
a. After the prison riot, the council decided to reform the correctional system.
b. Brad reformed when he saw that breaking the law was hurting people other than himself.
c. Only laws that force companies to reform will clear the dangerous vapors* from our air.
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