Do homeopathic medicines have an expiry date? - Dr. Surekha Tiwari

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Homeopathy is a system of medicine which draws its medicine from 4 kingdom, vegetable kingdom, mineral kingdom, animal kingdom, elements kingdom. In all these the metals are not affected or the animal sources are not affected. The vegetable sources are the extracts of fruits, vegetables , leaves, roots, stems, even seeds and these are processed through the use of rectified spirit which is 95% rectified alcohol. So generally when you have homeopathic medicine. Alcohol and the medicine are in very miniscule quantities and the medicine has been potencied. That is the procedure of homeopathy. That is the reason why homeopathy has no expiry date as far as medicines are concerned but if you have generated medicines for putting the liquid in the globules and those globules are kept on your shelf for too long in a plastic file then it will expire in 3 months. If it is kept in glass file then it can stay for 20 years. If you have any alcohol product kept in a plastic container then there will be volatile issue and alcohol will evaporate, the medicines will not be that effective. The patented medicines like tonics and syrups and lot of cosmetic products in homeopathy have an expiry date.