Keir Starmer reveals what he wanted to ask Boris Johnson at PMQs | LBC

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LBC can exclusively reveal what Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer's seventh question to Boris Johnson would have been at Prime Minister's Questions.

Prime Minister's Questions is a regular feature of the Parliamentary calendar where the PM answers questions and trades barbs with other MPs.

Once a week the Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is the first to question the Prime Minister before other MPs have their chance to hold Mr Johnson to account.

As part of his regular Call Keir slot with Nick Ferrari the Labour leader urged listeners to watch out for one tactic deployed by Boris Johnson at the weekly session.

"Watch out for this, this week. At Prime Minister's Questions, we have six questions and on the sixth question Boris Johnson descends into insulting me," Sir Keir told LBC.

The Labour leader said the reason Boris Johnson does this on the sixth question was that it is "the only question that I can't get back up and answer him."

It is a feature of PMQs that the Leader of the Opposition is only allowed to ask six questions before the floor is passed to other MPs.

Now LBC can exclusively reveal what Sir Keir's seventh question would have been had he been able to stand up and ask the Prime Minister one final query.

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I've noticed they all do this on the last question. Theresa May did the same, it's so predictable.


Do you mean he thought of questions after it mattered?


Anyone who criticises Keir is a lunatic, Keir is a professional, he is respectable, he is what a prime minister should be, whether you’re right or left wing, I don’t care, if you prefer having bombastic big characters where their egos fill every sentiment that they ever utter then you are what’s causing the biggest problems in this country and other countries


Should have asked the PM. Who do you answer to? Who funds you?


Next week: Boris Johnson's 7th Answer


They all done that over the years Blir Thatcher, ect


Politician doesn't answer a question! I am shocked.


Why, can't he remember? He's ask the same question nearly every week, 6 time a week.


What does this prove....he didn't on this one occasion


Hey Mr starter I've a question.jimmy saville ring a bell?


Honestly Sir Keir Starmer, yip sure sounds like a labour man to me... Get a grip, working class is only a number at Scrabble to him


My question to Starmer is, why did you say Saville had no case to answer?
