Modernising Land Administration Systems - Victorian ePlan Project | Hamed Olfat, DELWP

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To achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs), countries require access to an effective, efficient and modern land administration system (LAS) based on a cadastre engine that contains spatially accurate land parcels and corresponding rights, restrictions and responsibilities (RRRs). This presentation explores the role and requirements of a modern LAS for supporting SDGs. It will discuss that SDGs, depending on their nature, have either a direct or an indirect relationship with LAS. Direct relationship means that a specific goal cannot be achieved at all without a LAS (e.g. Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable). Whereas, an indirect relationship means that a specific goal might not be efficiently achieved without a LAS (e.g. Goal 4. Ensure inclusive
and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all). The presentation will also review a significant milestone of the LAS
modernisation journey in Victoria, namely ePlan project implementation, to
support SDGs.


Hamed is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for SDIs and Land Administration at the University of Melbourne and is responsible for coordinating the ePlan project in Victoria. He holds a PhD degree in Geomatics Engineering from the University of Melbourne. Hamed has over 16 years of involvement in many projects as a project manager, team leader, consultant or researcher in various organisations with a particular interest in 'Smart Land Administration', 'Multidimensional Digital Cadastre', 'Spatial Data Infrastructure', 'GIS', and 'Open Data Platforms'.
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