The State of the Black Church in America 2024

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Dr. Wallace moderates a panel of pastors discussing the State of Black Church in America at the 6th annual Black Conservative Summit. The panel constists of Dr. Gleen Pinckney, Bishop Garland Hunt, Pastor Shando Valdez, Pastor James Ward, Jr., and Pastor Bryan Reeves.
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I am a black pastor in the state of Ohio getting ready for today’s Sunday service. I have been teaching these things for years and I am getting weary because I feel like I am all alone in the black community. These men have encouraged me to keep fighting the good fight of the faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the sufficiency of the Scriptures.

I have to believe God in His sovereignty allowed me to come across this post.


I am not a pastor and my world is politics. Yet, this is the truth. God is neither Democrat or Republican and there are things both parties stand for that is unbiblical.


God delivered me from homosexuality. It HURTS me to see how the Black Community is not rising up to the occasion. You can be delivered from homosexual. I AM A LIVING TESTIMONY THAT GOD CAN DELIVER YOU FROM HOMOSEXUALITY. SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU.1 Corinthians 6 : 9- 11


There is no such thing as the Black Church or for that matter the white church. There is only one church and that’s the church of Jesus Christ. Denominations have only served to divide Christ’s church, as believers in Christ are not baptized baptist, Lutheran, Methodist or any other denomination.


These men are discussing the issues of the entire church, not just the black church.


Thank God for these men of GOD !!! This is Sooo needed, not only in the Black Church, but Everywhere !!! May GOD Continue to Bless you All, IN JESUS'S PRECIOUS NAME, AMEN


These men of God are doing the right thing talking. However some seem to be one-sided. If you shine a light on the left. YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THE RIGHT AND CALL IT OUT!!! 🤦🏾‍♂️ 🙏🏾


So glad to hear real men of God to stand on the truth of God’s word. Thankful for these men who are standing in the gap.


I’m grateful, encouraged, proud of these black men first and pastors for so many reasons, but most importantly for their standing for Christ Jesus, our righteousness. Though they know they will be on the devil’s radar for speaking the Truth of the Holy Christ, the holy living and, uncompromising lifestyle.
I’m so proud of them for eloquently elaborated on the true nature and facts of what’s going on across denominational in the black churches across the US.
CONGRATULATIONS guys! I will will pray for each one of them because the battle will rage against them. Mathew 24&25, Daniel 7-10.


As a believer, I’m saddened and amazed at the comments of some people who say why is there so much focus on homosexuality and abortion as “if they are the only sins.”
Guess what? They’re two of the only 3 abominations in the whole Bible for which God destroyed whole nations - just ask Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Canaanites. The 3rd is also addressed in this video - the sin of idolatry, which America has definitely “allowed” Race to be lifted up as a “god” which Black people in particular “bow down to” above all else.
May God help our nation, and may the Body of Christ repent with a humble heart.


Until the genuine Gospel is proclaimed, which focuses on "The Kingdom" as emphasized in Matthew 6:33—the sole message that Jesus preached and the restoration of what Adam forfeited, rather than a mere religion—we will persist in experiencing division and misunderstanding among pastors, congregations, and the wider world. I have only heard one pastor on this platform, Pastor Bryan Reeves, reference The Kingdom, and I am convinced that all solutions stem from that teaching and the dissemination of The Kingdom perspective.


It’s in terrible shape. The church as a whole must come back to The Cross of Christ!


Thank you, Jesus, for Pastors, who stands on the word of God.


Its really wonderful to see there are still men of God willing to stand on business even when it isnt popular.


I am shouting!!! This is exactly what I needed to see; I am SO PROUD OF THESE

I have a small ministry in an area where true biblical truth being taught is very rare! There is also a cultural divide.



So refreshing!! This is amazing to see!! Thank you to each of you!! May God's blessings be with you all!! 🙏🏽


The church should be light and salt not just talk and have panel discussion. And, the church should not be biased and compromising to the world. Using the homosexual issue as THE issue is in itself dishonest since there are so many other issues killing the church.


I was very excited about this video when I saw the topic. I thought that the topic had more to do with the challenges in the black community and what the church could do to alleviate the suffering. Instead, I struggled to finish watching this video. Martin Luther was mentioned, he was a reformer. He was a priest who challenged his church. The Social Gospel was mentioned, Martin Luther King practiced the social gospel. Jesus was a Rabbi and a reformer. All the propets in the Bible cared about the poor receiving justice. Our Founding Fathers wrote in the Constitution a guarantee of Church and State for a reason and watching this interview made it clear. No political party has a hold on morality. Nor, can morality be legislated. If, same sex marriage and abortion are the only reasons to vote for a particular party, we are in big trouble. Our young men our going to prison in record numbers. Our inner city public schools aren't receiving enough federal funding. We dont feel safe calling the police. Did anyone mention Sonya Massey. Our young children are overwhelming the foster care system, no one mentioned One Church One Child. Our communities are dying because it lacks basic services. Then comes gentrification, developers buy us out and we become renters again. Do I need to mention the health issues that affect those of us who live in certain zip codes. Our teens are not graduating high school as they should, reading and math scores are low. And the list goes on.


Outstanding forum with its subject matter. A registered Democrat, I am African-American and Christian. Neither conservative nor liberal.


Many Pastors are hypocrites!! Many are worldly. We need scripture in our lives!!!
