Who Wins The World Deadlift Champs?

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Who Wins The World Deadlift Champs?
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Thanks for watching👍. Comment who you think will win and will anyone pull 505kg?


If Rauno can get 505 off the ground he's locking it out. The fact that he's even in the conversation at 40+ years old and 140ish kg bodyweight is INSANE, Thor and Eddy were both about 60Kg heavier and 15 years younger when they did their lifts.


I hope Ivan can pull 505KG!!! It will be so amazing. Ivan and Graham are going to make this the most exciting WDC we have ever seen!


Hafthor's 501kg will still stand after the weekend I believe. will be fun to watch though.


Your vids are always entertaining and informative.


Rauno's 476 was smooth with strong lockout. Ceteris paribus I think he's got the best shot. Vid thumbnail shows top candidates for 505.


3 horse race. I think Heinla, Makarov & Hicks can all pull the 470 and a bit more, but not sure any of them have 505 in them.


Jamal won't win obviously but he is the one I'm most excited to see. 1000lbs conventional let's go!


If asko Karu can work out his hip shift and stay healthy and consistent, then he’s beating everybody by a considerable amount. Dude pulled 1063 suitless on a stiff bar. In my personal opinion, that’s the most impressive deadlift of all time.


Makarov's strength off the ground + lockout strength of rauno = 505kg, unfortunately they both are different 😅


Excited about Jamal competing! Would like to Karu back in the mix. If he was healthy he would be a legit contender for the 505kg


Ivan's the closest but I don't think anyone's going to get it - a bodyweight of 180-200 kg is pretty much required to pull that kind of weight. I'm still salty the 2016 deadlift world championships was set up the way it was; it looked like both Jerry and Brian were ready to lift something in the 480 to 485 kg range without a suit, but we never got to see it.


To be totally honest, I thought 505 and possibly a bit higher would of been achieved over the last 3 years. Which goes to show what an achievement it was by Eddie And Thor! I'm still sure it will ultimately be beaten, but doubt we will see the big jumps in weight we have enjoyed watching over the past several there's always a possibility, of genetic freak emerging from left field?


It’d be funny if Jamal pulled more than Pa


The only two who stand a chance of breaking the world record in this competition are Ivan and Rauno.

I don’t think Ivan will get it because he keeps peaking prematurely, but if he peaked at the right time then he could get it.

I don’t think Rauno will get it because his top single in training (460) looked basically the same as last year, and even with his good speed last year on 476, it didn’t look like he had a world record pull in him. Plus, he’s becoming more prone to injury as he ages.

On a separate note, it’s disappointing that three of the big four (or big five if you include Rauno), those being Peiman, Pavlo, and Asko, aren’t able to compete this year.


Too bad Peiman ain't competing =/


Another great and informative video. Awesome.


No. Not this year. I mean I wanted Hicksy to do it but, it's obvious these past 4 weeks, he isn't in a position to hit 500kg+!

Maybe next year? And I do hope he proves me wrong.

But I do think - if Thor hadn't been trying to increment that record, I think Thor could have done 515kg or possibly even MORE, the day he did the 501kg, because it looked so easy.

I think if Thor had maxxed out his DL that day, while in his peak (one he will never see again given his age and that pec tear), it would have been DECADES before someone beat his record. Peak Thor was an absolute freakish monster. Strongest guy in recorded history for sure.


I just hope even one of them can successfully pull 500KG this time. I was so disappointed when they tried this during a Giants Live event. None of them pulled 500KG.


Hicks, Heinla, and Makarov are the ones I think have the highest chance. I think it's unlikely, but it's always unlikely till someone does it.

Garaham's recent injury and general tendency to not do that great in actual competition says he's likely out of the runnings.
I don't know Makarov as well as the others, but how many times has he tried for 500+ in competition? I know it's at least 4 or 5.
Rauno might have the best chance. If he gets it up, he will lock it out, but will he get it up? I hope so. I always have a soft spot for the old dog showing up the young pups.

Realistically I'd be cheering for anyone who could do it.
