Exodus- Chemi-Kill (HD)

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Track 9 from 1987's "Pleasures of the Flesh".


[first and third fills- Rick]
[second and fourth fills- Gary]

Politicians, they're all on the take
Toxic polluters, leave cancer in their wake
Campaign contributions are nothing more bribes
Pockets growing, fatter at the expense of all our lives

Now we'll grab them by their white collar
And throw them in the waste
Look at them floating in the cess
They're such a fucking disgrace!

They just want
To make another buck
They couldn't care what happens
They wouldn't give a fuck
Their big house way up on a hill
Was paid for in death
It's chemi-kill!

They don't know what to do with it
They don't want to keep it around
So they pull up behind my back door
And bury it underground
We scream and yell but they just laugh
On the way to make a withdrawal
But we've got to ram it down their throats
Make them eat it all

[repeat sub-chorus]
[repeat chorus]

Babies are lying in their womb
Dying in their private tomb
Born retarded, crippled and lame
But they say they're not to blame
Tumors are growing in my spleen
The children are turning green
We're dropping one by one
Is this the end of all our fun?
How can they get
Away with this?
We take them to court
But it gets dismissed
They've bought off the judge
So he throws out the case
There goes the human race!

[solo- Rick]
[solo- Gary]
Рекомендации по теме

this song bears great significance in today's times. just listen


This is one of the very first metal songs I ever heard.. I knew this was the music for me.. I learned at an early age that a lot of things were full of shit.. This music is honest and to the point.. No spoon fed bullsh!t..


Remember walking into the Record Peeler in Toronto to pick up this record on its release. 16 ...going on 17 and more than just a little bitter at the time. Lol. Here is the part that is either hilarious or sad. This band goes on concerning chemicals we are bombarded by in everyday life and products while big business lines its murdering pockets. Trust me. In the 80s headbanging angry assholes like us were not listened to and for the most part these issues were not on the minds of the youth. NOW?


Terribly, the stuff mentioned in this song has gotten 10 times worse because no one has been held accountable for their actions. Time to take back our country and our health.


This without distortion is surf rock lol
