Why you’re so bad at managing your time.

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Time management gave rise during the industrial revolution because factory owners wanted workers to live by the clock rather than the sun. And while a lot has changed since those days, much of the advice we receive on time management today stems from those outdated ideas. Instead of trying to manage your time... do this instead.

Hi there 👋 If you're new to my videos my name is Matt D'Avella. I'm a documentary filmmaker, entrepreneur and YouTuber. I've made a couple documentaries for Netflix. I also teach courses on everything from filmmaking to habit change. If you like to nerd out about self-development as much as I do, you can subscribe for weekly videos.


Directed by Matt D'Avella
Produced by Rochi Zalani & Matt D'Avella
Cinematography by Matt D'Avella
Edited by Matt D'Avella
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I found that during the pandemic lockdown I somehow got way more ‘productive’ and ‘better at managing my time’ but in reality I just didn’t have to deal with all the other things (like Matt dealing with his dog hehe). The energy levels were so much higher for me and then school came back and began commuting and socializing and energy levels 📉 so it seemed like I was just being lazy but in reality I was just tired. Mornings are my productive time with optimal energy so love to get up early to get some stuff done before school :)


Tips in this video:
4:30 = 1. Find Your Peak Performance Periods
5:50 = 2. Find Out How Much Energy A Task Requires0
7:18 = 3. Refill Your Cup Regularly
8:57 = 4. Make Flexible To-Do Lists


"We all have 24 hours a day, but they aren't all the same. So, plan accordingly."
- Matt D'Avella

Excellent video Matt!


“If you’re currently working a job that doesn’t value rest and downtime, if you don’t get enough time off, you don’t have a flexible schedule, or you can’t work from (at) home, it might be time to start looking for a new job. There’s only so much you can do if your boss expects you to be up at all hours of the night…”

Matt D’Avella advising me to quit my gig as a stay-at-home dad. 🤣


My mom started homeschooling with my older brother over 30 years ago, back when it really rare and "not cool". One of the reasons she did it was because she thought the school system was broken and outdated. She said more then once, "Making children sit for 8 hours in a day was to prepare them for the factories. Those days are over and kids shouldn't be cogs in a machine, it's not right." She understood energy levels and what's realistic long before so many and I thank her for it.


Our phones are a big part of this problem.


*“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending...”*
*―C. S. Lewis*


I love it when matt calls me out on my flaws with each and every video he uploads


Wow, how important is this video! No one ever talks about energy management and I think everything in the video was on point. We appreciate all your work and content Matt, thank you.


Rest is productive... and more importantly, it doesn't need to be earned. ✨ Thanks for another awesome video, Matt, this one is really useful!


The best book I've ever read on this subject was "When" by Daniel Pink! I'd say there is a lot of overlap between the tips in this video and the book. One subject the book goes into great depth on though is diving deeper into planning when you do different tasks throughout your day. Although we have an energy peak throughout the day, the trend actually follows a peak, trough, rebound. In the peak, we are best at the highest focus intensive work, but in the rebound we are actually much better at creative work. It's a great book, that I'd highly recommend.


This was a lowkey cameo moment for the cute doggo.~


Why you’re so bad at managing your time summary
00:52 1 - we all have different 24 hours
02:04 2- time is a fix resource, but energy is a different game (body, emotion, mind and spirit)

04:26 tips to manage energy better
1 -04:32 find your peak performance period (when you seem to be in a flow state) keep a productivity journal
2- 05:52 find out how much energy a task requires (list all your tasks from most draining to least draining, do your most important item that requires most energy when you are focused)
3- 07:18 refill your cup regularly (rest is productive, you can’t pour from an empty cup, make space for activities that replenish you)
4- 08:58 make flexible to do lists (plan accordingly)

Thanks Matt for a wonderful video as always, I always learn something new and feel connected to your videos and has been a big part in my self-discovery journey, once again thanks!


this is a great video and hits on a lot of things I've been realizing lately as well. I've realized that I need at least one day a week to be completely lazy and relax. That day is Saturday. I've also realized that after work I can barely muster the energy to do much else other than make dinner, maybe do an exercise if I'm super motivated, and do the dishes. That means I need to clean on the weekend, and since Saturday is for resting, Sunday is for cleaning. I've also realized I only tend to be productive when it's light outside, so I need to get started on those chores or errands early. If I don't get started before Sunday night, it isn't getting done for the rest of the week. Lastly, I've realized that if I exert a lot of energy on one day, then the following day I'm pretty spent. So now on Sunday nights, I cook extra so that my Monday evening dinner is prepped. Makes everything a lot easier to plan for those low energy days and not think I'm a failure because I can't muster the energy I have the day before.


Agree. When I have a task scheduled and it starts becoming more than just hard work, it's taking too long, it's just not "happening" the problem isn't the task difficulty -it is my mindset and energy at that specific time. I used to try and power through, but now when I recognize it's getting unproductive vs time I switch that task out for another. I find another time of day or next day I get that same task done in 5mins piece of cake! It's almost like I need a key to unlock that task, but I just don't have it on me at the time.


This is the exact video I needed at this moment. I don’t need time management - I need energy management. I have plenty of time but pitiful little energy.


I loved seeing this. I have chronic illnesses and I've had to learn this lesson the hard way. It's one of the biggest things I'm trying to teach others now is that energy is a crucial resource to consider when getting stuff done because since I have a chronic illness, my energy is more limited than most. It's more valuable to me than time now. Thank you for explaining this so well.


I needed this. I have been constantly blaming myself for not completing all the tasks from my to do lists which obviously impacted my self-esteem. I feel so much relief after watching this video. Thank you 🙌


4:30 - find your peak performance periods (pick a time in a day where you are the most focused).
5:50 - Find out how much energy a task would require (list high energy tasks and low energy tasks, it doesn't mean a high energy task is the most important one)
7:18 - refill your cup regularly (rest = productive, find out what replenishes your energy - ex walking, meditating, exercises)
8:57 - make flexible to-do lists (decreaes dissapointment)


Not gonna lie, this video was an eye-opener for me because I tend to be really fixed up on how I can manage my time in the best, productive way possible. The way Matt explained about the energy levels makes total sense, and I am really glad he emphasized rest being an important thing because for years now, I've neglected making that part of my everyday life. I will definitely try putting these tips to use daily and hope for the best on finding true rest again. Thank you for a great video as always, Matt!
