The BILLION Dollar Farmer Has Secrets You NEED To Know!

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The BILLION Dollar Farmer Has Secrets You NEED To Know!

Welcome back to Down On The Farm, today on the channel we are going to Meet The World’s Richest Farmer. Here are some of the World’s Richest Farmers. Howard Graham Buffett, (born December 16, 1954) is an American businessman, former politician, philanthropist, photographer, farmer, and conservationist. Colin and Dale Armer, own 15 large scale farms in the North Island, milking 12,000 cows and budgeting to produce 3.7 million kgMS. They are also the sole remaining founding shareholders of Dairy Holdings Ltd, with 59 dairy farms in the South Island.

Blairo Maggi is the world's largest soybean producer.His accusers hold him responsible for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. His defenders say he is taking Brazil forward. In this respect he is unapologetic, telling The New York Times in 2003. In 2015, Maggi's net worth was estimated by Forbes at US$1.2 billion, based on his 16% stake in Grupo Andre Maggi. Keep on watching the video to meet more The World’s Richest Farmer.

#TheWorld’sRichestFarmer #RichestFarmerInTheWorld #RichestFarmer

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I'm thinking about farming business and this video has motivated me alot wish me luck mates


If you wanna be successful, you must take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to making you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life


There is not secret the bigger the land the bigger the money end off! In most cases farmers don’t have big land


Am a retired but not tired Ugandan teacher who is training farmers in my country to refertilize the depleted soil by use of cover crops like jack bean, lab lab and cow peas to mention a few.Besides that i train them to make compost manures, use dry cow dung and urine, make pesticides using locally available materials.I have instructed them not to use chemical fertilizers because the are dangerous to both environment and man.So my appeal to you is help.Thank you


They are not just farmers they have business


Hello friends, I'm a farmer from Indonesia. Greetings from me. Good luck, always healthy and prosperous, for all of us. and I hope that Indonesian farmers are getting more advanced, like in your country, the tools are sophisticated, and modern. I hope we can be friends, exchange knowledge and knowledge even through youtube and this virtual world amen 🙏🤝🤝


This is what my country needs to invest more on..more food more power


Sometimes I wonder what the world would have looked like without innovations like this😊, my advice for everyone, both in the agricultural industry and elsewhere, is to evolve with the world in others so as not to to be left behind


Great stocks and I just bought in on them, but I'm interested in making short term profit, let say turn a $150K to $500k in 6months, I'd appreciate tips on how what stocks to buy to make this much profit.


Look I bought a hobby farm with no support from the government I don't have a green cert to b able to get simple grants need to do 3 year course to get cert and it cost 3 grand I have no money to start that and I am in my 40s with 3 young kids I bought my own stock of sheep and handling unit to gather them ( my aim is to build my farm shed in the next 3 years and keeping producing good farm meat I think should b better support for those who don't have green cert and still are top farmer's and have the love for animals and land, 👍


Funny how they are all linked by something other than farming.


I’m the next richest farmer in the world 🌎& I’m from Ethiopia 🇪🇹


I'm still waiting for the secrets.


The secret is the wealth that was already there, sounds like to me. Although the Chinese brothers sold there motorcycles and watches to start a chicken and quail business. That sounds like a load of chicken and quail manure to me as well.


Inheritance and sold soul to Monsato thats how you become a rich farmer


India is such a big farming based country but don't have much farmers in even top 100! Hmm I'll have to pull up 🗿


Am an upcoming farmer and I get inspired with such videos 👍.
Keep it up


Ingin jadi petani sukses, tapi tidak punya lahan pertanian.


In my country, the rich are merchants who buy from the farmers.


I really love this video! Thanks for the video!
