The Secret To Finding This Secret Item in Stardew Valley EARLY in Game! #stardew

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I know it’s a little late for clarification but when I say completely unseen, you gotta go faaaar out of screen! (probably much more than you would expect - the video is sped up, but I’m quite a ways out.) If you find that after you’ve gone out of shot you are entering town as soon as you move, you need to go even further. Good luck!

(Also, yes. This was filmed post 1.6 update. The update did not take away this “glitch” and does work on console.)


Finding the mayor’s statue was so funny for me because I put it in the town square area without thinking and he took it down and gave me 750g to not tell anyone about it 😂


Mayor Lewis doesn't deserve his statue but Krobus deserves all the statues


I legit made a shrine to Krobus after I got his statue 😂


Oh come on, JunimoB, we all know that YOU had that statue made.


It doesn’t have to be gold quality seafoam pudding if you get a certain enchantment on your fishing rod, but either way requires ginger island. End game statue


A legitimate way you can get it without qi seasoning is maxing out fishing to 10, eating anything with shrimp at the desert festival and stacking that fishing buff with a regular seafoam pudding! So at most it will cost you 500g to obtain by taking the bus there and back, or simply a desert totem to save the cost! This is the only time you can stack food buffs which is excellent, I got my fishing to level 17 this way without the seasoning and caught it no problem :)


You can get it much sooner through regular means! During the desert festival, visit the chef and choose shrimp as your first ingredient in the dish. Then eat another food with a fishing buff to get up to level 15. So if you're level 8 fishing you'll need a seafoam pudding, but if you're level 9 you could go for the much easier to find dish of the sea. And if you're level 10, you'll only need a food with a +2 fishing buff. Once you're done, you can go ahead and make your way back to the desert if you want, maybe complete one of the fishing quests there while you have the buff.

There's one other way of getting it before you have access to Qi seasoning, but it's also late game, just not quite as late. That's to enchant your fishing rod with the master enchantment at the forge so you're effectively level 11 all the time. Then a regular seafoam pudding will do


Makes you think Krobus was the original mayor or whatever of pelican town


At least Krobus isn't embezzling tax money for his statue


“Walk across the water Jesus style”
W h a t


Omg the Krobus statue is actually adorable 😭


The fact that the statue of the mayor is behind his house. Just because we, as the player, can not see it due to a 2.5 dimensional viewing, does not mean people in town who can see on a 3D plane scape will not see it.


The statue looks like the weird thing that runs away when you find it during winter


For those on mobile device and have difficulty, three tricks that work for me (1) change the toggle to “tap-to-move & joystick & button” and (2) even when you appear to be out of screen, you need to tap way more times (I did 30) to ensure you can walk down instead of to town (3) don’t walk down all the way because then you can walk towards sewer but will not be visible. Stop once you see the sewer shoreline and walk towards sewer


I got it by reaching Level 10, consuming a fish taco and the fishing buff from the desert festival food stall... :D


Games with Easter eggs like these are the best!!

Makes me want to get back into game dev just to go make games for their Easter eggs lol


FYI this doesn’t work well on console—you’re going to need to go way, way past where the video indicates. Keep swinging away! Then use the D-pad to move down, not the stick.


1. You don't need to do all that other then the sword glitch one. I've tested it and got it. 2. For anyone who doesn't know. The sword glitch is a bit of a tedious glitch to pull off. Get close enough that you don't trigger the cut off to leave and start swinging your sword. After like a minute or 2 (just to be sure) then try it. 3. I can't find mayor Louise's statue. It's not there T^T


Or (my brother did this) you can go to the desert festival, get sushi or fish or whatever fish retaliated thingy it is pick it and something else for the special chef thing and eat a buff food for fishing and you’ll get fishing level 15+
