Exposing Spiritual Roots Book vs. A More Excellent Way - What's the Difference? - Dr Henry Wright

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In this interview Dr. Wright discusses the difference between his newest book "Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease " with his National Best Seller, "A More Excellent Way"

Note: This video is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Neither the publisher, nor the author, nor the author’s ministry take any responsibility for any possible consequences from any action taken by any person watching or following the information in this video. If watchers are taking prescription medications, they should consult with their physicians and not take themselves off prescribed medicines without the proper supervision of a physician. Always consult your physician or other qualified health care professional before undertaking any change in your physical regimen, whether fasting, diet, medications, or exercise.

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This book comes out Oct 15, 2019 and the NEW insights WILL change your life (if you are willing to consider it)!

I purchased a pre-release eBook copy of Dr. Wright's book: Exposing the Spiritual Roots to Disease.

This short YouTUBE interview does NOT do the book justice to all the topics Dr. Wright covers in his NEW book, so let me share a bit more!!

While I gained tremendous insight from Dr. Wright's over 500 page national best seller "A More Excellent Way" book (with over 350, 000 copies sold) which was kind of in a lecture/conference style of writing and includes over 100 additional pages of testimonies from people who were healed, the NEW BOOK is organized differently and NOT SO INTIMIDATING to READ!!

His new book has 200 pages of biblical insight that is much more CONCISE. He has organized some KEY chapters on SPECIFIC diseases that PLAGUE most AMERICANS such as:

Spiritual Roots behind ALLERGIES
Spiritual Roots behind AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE
Spiritual Roots behind MENTAL ILLNESS
Spiritual Roots behind STRESS DISORDERS

One way his NEW book is different from his original book is that it includes SPECIFIC strategies to overcome these diseases and SPECIFIC testimonies from people who have received God's healing from these types/classes of diseases.

Dr. Wright skillfully takes on the ULTIMATE question - is DISEASE just HAPPENSTANCE (random) or a PLANNED EVENT? This chapter alone will give you new biblical insight behind your battle against sickness & disease.

And tucked in this NEW book he also includes INSIGHTS behind BREAST CANCER!!! I personally have benefited from these insights and former breast cysts have ALL been healed. I have shared Dr. Wright's BREAST CANCER insight for Left breast vs. Right breast with many women and EVERY TIME his insight has been 100% accurate.

As a testimony to the power of his biblical insight behind CANCER, one of my husband's friends contacted us summer 2018 battling the last stages of cancer. After ministering for an hour or two sharing with him what Dr. Wright has found are frequent spiritual roots behind CANCER, he went before God and dealt with some 'stuff' (sin). A year later he contacted us and told us he had been COMPLETELY HEALED from CANCER!! Praise the Lord!! The reason for his call? He asked me to share CANCER insights with his girlfriend who was BATTLING hereditary BREAST Cancer in her LEFT breast as well as Breast cancer in her RIGHT breast - and Dr. Wright's biblical insights behind BREAST CANCER applied exactly to her life!!

What makes Dr. Henry Wright's book about disease DIFFERENT from the managed health care you receive from your doctor & pharmacist (and I am in favor of doctors for diagnosis/surgeries and medicine that kept me alive until I could gain biblical insight) is the chapter on Spirit-Soul-Body Connection based on 1 Thessalonians 5:23:

[1Th 5:23 KJV] 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Wright in the video asks you to consider: Why are CHRISTIANS NOT immune to getting disease IF the bible claims that health/freedom from disease is 'the children's bread'?

[Mat 15:26-28 KJV] 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast [it] to dogs. 27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great [is] thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Dr. Wright's new book EXPLORES the age-old biblical question: Is it possible that God's healing is conditional?

For those of you who have been following me and my FB posts since 2014 when I began to explore that very question and was RADICALLY healed by an Angel of the Lord on Dec. 13, 2014 (about 8 weeks AFTER I finally repented for all the bitterness I had been holding on to for 19.5 years after a catastrophic car accident that left me with severe chronic neck arthritis); my testimony is that God ALWAYS wanted me healed, but that the devil was using my sin of unforgiveness to keep me in the bondage of arthritis.

[Mat 6:14-15 KJV] 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

I personally have been healed in about a 3 year time span from: Chronic Arthritis; Breast cysts; All allergies (cat, bee, hayfever, eucalyptus, seafood, and generational lactose intolerance & perfume); generational motion sickness; skin rashes; skin tags; skin crustiness; halitosis; colon polyps, hand warts; receding gums; tooth enamel restored - creative miracle of God; High cholesterol; Sleep Apnea; and UTI's.

The biblical insights and teaching from Dr. Henry's resources have helped me regain God's health for my life and to MAINTAIN my healing.

I give glory to God for all my healing and am grateful to the ministry of Dr. Henry Wright which God used to greatly impact my healing journey.


I am just sharing this book with my friend.The churches are closed now is the time for true knowledge and understanding.Thankyou


I read it twice before attending the For My Life in Phoenix last month. I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and my daughter and I were both greatly impacted. I am home continuing this healing journey and finding true freedom even after being on the mission field for over 35 years! Looking forward to soon hoing to Thomaston for the Walk It Out week. You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free!


Adam and Eve weren't immune from the law of the Word and what God says to one, then He was speaking to We really need more teachers and less public speakers. THANK YOU for everything you do Dr. Wright and Be In Health.


Deep teaching, root causes, so informative


Yes and amen! God’s word is full of conditions! Excited to receive the new book! Blessings to the entire team at BIH. We love you! 💕


Wow conditions to walking in health,
Forgiveness is big stuff!!


Thanks for this. I great book to explain where God is leading through Bible Stories is 'Mission for Groups'. Blessings


Which book is the best to start with and do they overlap a lot or are they quite different? I have breastcancer and I am looking voor my own spiritual healing as well as looking forward to help others overcoming diseases.


Are these books from Dr.Henry Wright also translated to the other languages? Thank you for any answer.


there is second part of the interview?


I read in this book that 80% of diseases are curable...makes me wonder about my disease...is it in the 20% that is incurable?
