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The gecko needs bitumen’s so I recommend you give him multi virility pouder and also give him more fruits and veggies and don’t over feed to much you can give slightly more then us all ok (PLEASE PIN)


Stick tail disease often starts with regurgitation of shed skin (geckos eat their shed skin for nutrients) or undigested food which progresses to weight loss. Severe muscle and fat loss along the tail and spine will leave a visible backbone and tailbone. The sick gecko may also lose their tail entirely also Your veterinarian may recommend trying some GI medications to determine if it will work. The current preferred medication to treat stick tail disease is paromomycin, which the gecko would need to take for the rest of their life.

I rlly hope this helps ❤😢


Oh it’s so sad when you see your pet in pain. I pray for your gecko to heal ❤


So, I have a leopard gecko myself, and here is some advice, one side of the tank should be around 75F, and one should be around 87F. You should have multiple hides, but this one is essential for geckos, a hide with damp moss inside. (It's essential for to help shed safely and cool the geckos temperature when needed) (For me I perfer 3 or 4 hides) Also, the tank can be 10 gallons when its a baby, but it needs to be uped to 20 when it turnes older. Also, dust the geckos food in calcium it needs it because without it its bones will become extremely frail, also you need to put a few drops of something called 'reptisafe' in its water if you get it from the tap. Geckos can't indegist all the clorine in our water, so this helps it. The next one is just a recommendation, not essential, but geckos only eat live things, I prefer just getting mealworms to feed to my leopard geckos, because in my experience, the crickets always find a way to escape, not the mention if you get crickets you need to feed the crickets themselves to keep them alive. Meal worms are much easier, especially when dusting in calcium, and all you need to do with them is put them in the fridge. Thank you! (I also posted this on another one of your videos (:


You should probably take him to the vet if you have any health concerns for him. I really hope David will be okay though 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Take him to the vet! I have a leopard gecko who has a bone disease from neglect (shes a rescue) for her crickets really helped get her weight up as well as calcium, which we dip them in and put in a small thing in her tank. All of the lizards ive owned have had disabilities, so i have a lot of experience. They also make liquid calcium and you can get nutrients to inject and feed from the vet


Feed him small crickets and maybe take him to the vet. Also i love him hes very cute


Im a veterinarian in training but ive seen ppl bring in Leopard geckos and ik what to do cuz i have one too.

Heres what to do:

1: give him lots of water.

2: feed him his food but put it in calcium b4 he eats it.

Calcium helps Leopard Geckos when they are losing tremendous amount of weight.

3: clean his tank(if he has one) every 1-2 weeks.
4: if he gets any lighter bring him to the vet immediately

Hopes this helps!❤


Id recommend a vet visit.
Also you may try raising your own food for him that way you can feed his food stuff that is packed in protein and all the nutrients he needs that way he gets it by eating them. Plus pet stores dont always have the healthiest feeders. I personally have 2 dubia colonies and fed my leopard gecko(rip Ray[died at 10yrs old]) ones a little smaller than his head and let him eat asany as he wanted within 10 mins. He was quite a foodie and looked at me like he was starving everytime i entered the room and he bacme a little overweight and had to go on a diet


Just take him to the vet and they will know what to do! 😢Good Luck.... I wish you all the best and I am sorry I couldn't help more! Xx


I’ve found out that mealworms are actually supposed to be more like treats, but I’ve never heard of wax worms. I give Fink- my leopard gecko- live crickets for him to eat and that should do good for yours. For now do smaller crickets so he doesn’t get sick, you can buy some at petsmart or try to find some outside. But remember (I’m sure most leopard gecko owners know) to not give him fruit if anything else, they won’t eat it since they’re purely insectivores. I recommend putting a dozen or 2 dozen crickets in the tank so you don’t have to get them every day. Petsmart also has food for crickets you can get.


I don’t know anything about geckos/lizards but if your looking for answers ask a vet because vets have professionals that can help.


Take him to the vet.❤. I hope he gets well and fit.❤️‍🩹


Maybe try crickets, ‘calci worms’, or small locusts. That’s what they usually eat (wax worms too) and if you want here’s exactly what showed up when I searched:
* ”Leopard geckos eat a diet of live insects, which can include crickets, ‘calci worms’, wax worms, and small locusts (no bigger than the size of your geckos head) you’ll also need to provide fresh vegetables and clean water.

You should feed young geckos every day and adults every other day. You’ll need to top up your geckos nutritions with supplements too. Ask your vet for advice on the best one to give your pet” *

Hope this helps, sorry if not and I hope he gets better


I’m so sorry! I want one of these geckos myself… so god bless you and David… I hope he’s gonna be okay, stay strong little one ❤


I know my leapard gecko is struggling with his weight loss. He used to be WAY more chubby. Now he is almost thin like a branch of a tree. And a tip(sometimes when this happens maybe they are not eating because of infection in their throught. That is what is happening with my leapard gecko, Troy. He is my life... if he were to die. I would cry every night. I have already lost a gecko before 😞


1: Parasites
2: Malnutrition
3: Metabolic Bone Disease, usually from a calcium deficiency. Be sure he is getting calcium WITH D3 every other feeding, and calcium WITHOUT D3 in between feedings, If you're not already doing that.
4: Stick tail (an impaction wasting illness)
5: stress

Be sure to get him checked my a vet to see if he has any parasites or illnesses! If he doesn't maybe try to feed him feeder insects with a higher fat content like: King meal worms or silk worms.

And be sure to give him the calcium with D3 as it is important for their bones (if not already doing that). Hope he'll be okay! Sending lots of love for him! ✨💕💕


As a leopard gecko owner myself this is one of two things either stick tail disease or lack of protein so what u would recommend is feeding him dunks roaches and black soldier fly larva because they are high in protein and also you should give him doses of paromomycin to help him he looks to be in your good hands though I hope this helps good luck


Aw I have a leopard gecko named Lizzy. Hope David feels better ❤


Telling people that they are worth it 9/50! (Btw DAIVID IS SO CUTE)
