Nextjs 15 Dashboard App For Beginners [ Learn Next.js 15 & React 19 In 2 Hours ]

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Build and Deploy a Responsive Admin Dashboard By Nextjs 15, React 19, Drizzle ORM and ShadUI
00:00 0. introduction
00:02:50 1. create home page
00:15:06 2. create login page
00:33:55 3. create dashboard page
00:52:58 4. connect to database
01:04:44 5. load stats boxes data from database
01:13:32 6. display revenue chart
01:21:08 7. create latest invoices table
01:27:16 8. authenticate user from database
01:32:10 9. list or delete invoices
01:53:16 10. create or update invoices
02:08:34 11. list customers
02:14:22 12. enable partial pre-rendering
02:15:27 13. deploy app on vercel
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Nextjs 15 Dashboard App For Beginners [ Learn Next.js 15 & React 19 In 2 Hours ]
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