Learning Azure Cognitive Services - Language

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This series of sessions about Azure Cognitive Services aims to learn how we can use Vision, Voice and Language Apis to enrich our applications adding Artificial Intelligence capabilities

In this session we will learn how to take advantage of Language Apis to enrich our solutions making communication easier.

Who is it aimed at?
Students and Professionals who are new using Azure Cognitive Services or want to explore new ways to improve their developments

Why should I attend?
You will have a global vision of most common Azure Cognitive Services Apis so you can take advantage of them your applications with new capabilities

Bruno Capuano - Bruno Capuano currently works as a Sr. Cloud Advocate at Microsoft focused on empowering the Toronto area to build awesome things with Azure. Bruno was a Microsoft MVP for 14 years and has over 20 years of experience as a software developer and loves to tinker with electronics. He lives in a small town near Toronto with his wife and two adorable kids.

Santiago Porras Rodriguez - I am passionate about new technologies and I like to share everything I learn and discover every day about them through any channel. In my little Canarian paradise, I usually organize events with TenerifeDev, You can find me on the network by microparticipating on Twitter with the user @saintwukong, on my blog "The Lost Reference", on YouTube or randomly on Twitch

Here is a useful link for this session:

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