How To Troubleshoot a Bidet Seat That Won't Spray |

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Step 1: Unplug the Bidet Seat For 30 Seconds and Then Replug
The first thing we want to start with is a hard reset. Unplugging the bidet seat for about thirty seconds and then replugging will restart the unit including the internal mechanisms. Similar to a computer, a simple reset will sometimes solve small issues with bidet seats where components may have become out of sync over time. If a hard reset solves your issue, great, if not then proceed to step 2.

If you’ve confirmed that the outlet is working, but the bidet seat won’t power on, you’ll want to contact the manufacturer for further assistance. If the outlet is not working, you’ll need to reset the outlet or circuit before you continue troubleshooting.

Step 2: Trigger the Bidet’s Occupied Seat Sensor
All bidet seats have some sort of occupied seat sensor. This prevents the seat from spraying while no one is seated. To make testing easier, we’re going to trick the seat sensor into thinking someone is seated. Most bidet seats on the market use a skin sensor in the 4 -5 o’clock area of the seat. Some models have the sensor in a different area, and some have their own unique method like an infrared sensor. TOTO washlets use a weight sensor.

If your bidet seat has a skin sensor, we can trigger it using a wet piece of paper to simulate skin contact. First, take a folded paper towel or a few sheets of toilet paper and get them nice and wet under your sink. Now standing in front of the toilet and looking down at the seat, imagine a clock face overlaying the seat.

Place the dampened paper In the 4-5 o’clock region of the seat. At this point you should hear a bit of water release from the nozzle and drip into the bowl. This is a good sign as the nozzle has just cleaned itself and usually means the sensor is triggered. Some models have an indicator light that shows the sensor is triggered.

If you have a TOTO washlet or other bidet model that uses a weighted seat sensor, we’ll have to trigger it using another method. With the seat down, press your hand down on the seat near the left rear hinge. You should feel a click. You’ll need to press here and hold it down in order to trigger the seat sensor.

Step 3: Test The Remote
Before we start, replace the batteries in your remote control with fresh, name brand batteries.
With the occupied seat sensor triggered, stand in front of the toilet. Take the remote control in your hands (not mounted) and point it at the seats receiver. If your bidet has a side control panel instead of a remote, use those buttons for this test. Try to activate the Warm Air Dryer on the remote control. If this works, press stop.

Next, proceed with trying the rear wash function. Before you press the wash button, prepare to cover the nozzle with a cup or simply a free hand. We don’t want you getting sprayed in the face.

If the wash function works, proceed by trying out other features like nozzle position and pressure adjustments to make certain your seat is fully functioning. Then, you can stop the wash. If the functions are not working, repeat these same steps once more while seated on the seat to ensure that the skin sensor is triggered. During this part of the test, we want to make sure your remote is pointing at your seat’s IR sensor. Take the remote control and point it in an exaggerated fashion over your right shoulder, directly at the IR receiver.

The signal from the remote control needs to be able to bounce off walls and the ceiling in order to reach the receiver. Certain situations like when a toilet is within a separate water closet room or if the user has a wider body will give the bidet seat trouble in receiving a signal. If the remote control only works during this test, and not during your normal operation, it likely needs to be repositioned from its current mounted position. If these steps do not work proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Test The Auxiliary Buttons
The next step is to determine whether you are having a remote issue or a seat issue. Most bidet seats that are controlled by a remote control have a small panel of basic wash functions located on the seat itself. It may be located on one of the sides of the seat or at the top.

With the occupied seat sensor triggered, try pushing the rear wash button on the auxiliary control panel (not the remote). If the unit sprays, then this may be indicative that the remote control itself is the issue.

Step 5: Contact Us
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One thing that is not mentioned anywhere, and it really makes me angry, is that our Brondell Swash, BRAND NEW...JUST INSTALLED, the wands wouldn't deploy AT ALL.
So I am posting the solution the hope that it helps someone else.
I read all the "answers" and NONE of them fit my problem.

Your Bidet is old...needs cleaning, nozzles are clogged, mesh filter needs's brand new.
The batteries are dead in the remote...nope.
The air dryer works, the lights on the remote are ON, the auxiliary buttons deploy the wands for cleaning, so the wands CAN be deployed, they simply will not come out.

I could see water dripping over the wands, so I knew the plumbing was okay, and I DO know how to install taps, faucets, shower heads, so I know I did that correctly,
and in the right order, but when I pressed "rear" or "front" clean...the remote just "beeped" twice, but you could hear the wands "hum" as if they were trying to deploy.
We could see that water pressure seemed to be a problem, but we live in the city, so water pressure is never a problem.
Put a bucket, (we used the bathroom garbage can), under the Bidet Supply Line.
Gently unscrew the connection where the Bidet Supply Line attaches to the Bidet, until some water leaks out.
Allow the water to flow into the bucket, until you can tell any air pockets are purged. We allowed a couple of inches of water to accumulate in the garbage can.
Then tighten the connection until the water stops leaking. It seems to be the only way to purge air out of the line.
After that, everything worked fine!
But THIS should be a part of the trouble shooting guide, and I know, when you shut your water supply OFF, as when replacing faucet cartridges,
when you turn the water back ON, you can hear air rumbling around in the pipes, and you can see water "spitting out" while the air is being purged.
But the taps need to be open for the air to be purged.
There doesn't seem to be a way of doing this, with the Bidet, unless you do what we did, unscrew the connection a little bit, to allow the water to push the air pocket OUT.
If you go too far, and water pours out of the Supply Line, be prepared to quickly shut off the Water Supply Valve.
I hope this helps someone else, we were at a loss as to how to make this thing work...FOR HOURS!!!


So happy I stumbled on this video! My Brondell Swash's nozzle would not dispense after the initial sterilizing process. I've had my bidet for about 4 years, well past the warranty period, and thought, well I guess it is done. The simple reset was all that was needed! Just saved over $500. I don't have to replace this one!


After 2 full years of an expensive bidet seat by TOTO not working, I followed this video and it is working :) Than
k you.


great video. Helped solve our problem. It was the location of the remote. Even toto couldn’t help us figure it out and this is the second toilet seat we have with them and location of remote in same spot. though we were going crazy~Appreciate it~


Very clear.Thank you. My 8y.o. Samsung stopped functioning after cleaning with a handy steam device. New batteries in wall fixed remote. Remote buttons light up but no action on the seat, and the seat is cold. Side buttons work so at least i can get a cold clean; and I infer from what is said here that there isn't a problem with the seat but rather the remote : SBD-970C. Being so old would it still be available, and at what cost? And it's still a bit of a gamble. Would another remote work? (Maybe time to get a new one?😕)


A clogged cold water inlet screen or faulty water flow solenoid is a more likely culprit.


A Bio Bidet USPA 6800 just stopped spraying water out of a sudden. Tried all steps still no luck. My water is not hard, I don't think clog is the reason. Any suggestions?


Though not comprehensive, this was still helpful (for our situation) thanks to the sensor information. Thanks.


Hello Do you have a video on a 5 year old Toto Washlet - auto seat open and close motion sensor function stopped working


Covers the basics, which most people can figure out, seat sensor trick is new.


And if the seat sensor doesn’t trigger? Kind of incomplete troubleshooting.


I have a Toto 5300e and the rear wash "hard" spray wont work. Everything else is fine but nothing comes out when I "double click" the rear wash for a harder clean spray. Rear wash "easy" single click works fine. Front wash works fine for both hard and soft. NET NET when I want to spray my butt "hard" in rear mode nothing comes out. I can hear it trying. Any advice?


I have a Kholer novita bidet, I just installed it and the toilet will not spray. It will leak water into the toilet when I press the button. Also on my controller anytime I press anything it won’t work and the water light will flash. Please help if you can.


Can somebody help me? My bidet is not working after pressing the bidet. The pressure LED just keeps blinking 3-5 times and then it stops. After 5 tries it works but i don’t know what that blinking means




Does any one knows why the hot water won't come out?


so you can tell i’m stuck in a toilet, and i just pooped


Idk why the fuck i cant get mine to work. At first, it caused the toilet to leak/ make noise 24/7 which got me a $500 water bill. Then i tried to repair it and no the toilet bowl wont fill unless i press the switch down and the bidet wont work at all. Im so fucking pissed man


My bidet just does not seem to work. Do not purchase Alpha ix Hybrid.


This is so annoying, having a toilet working should not be this complicated.
I select a function, you can hear water starts running, you can see the wand deployed but nothing happens, it goes immediately back in. No the nozzle head doesn't need to be cleaned. I took it out, put it under water from the sink and water came fine. No there are no water pressure issues.
