Book of Jasher - Chapter 1

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I decided to make this audio because I believe every individual has a right to ask questions and seek out answers for themselves. Although not intended to make anyone stray off the Bible, I want everyone listening to this to take it w/ a grain of salt. This is non-canonical scripture and it must never take the place of the Bible, but compliment scripture as we see it in today's cannon.

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by the way i do like the story of saul because it shows he was only human.he was depressed and was looking for an answer.and still he got a bad news shows that even a big guy as saul could end up totally broken and depressed.


I cannot change the WORD of GOD. I can only say what HE says.


I just finished reading this book and found this video. I have found no conflict with the bible. However in terms of faith this book does not really add anything. However it does fill in a lot of details not in the bible. I do also think it is written a long time ago and does a good job of weaving into the bible without conflict. Interesting reading.


Jasher is referred to the books of Joshua and Samuel. Not the book of Genesis. Why? Because Jasher (meaning the books of the righteous) accounts for the lives of the patriarchs including Enoch, Noah and Abraham, which is a pretty impressive lineup. The book of Genesis was only known because Jews from Bethlehem gave it to Jerome after 380 AD. It appears to me therefore that the book of Enoch has been summarised in the first 11 chapters of Genesis and Jasher has been summarised after chapter 11 ??


for the Dead, not for the Resting... most do not know the difference. There are some who shall not taste death. Mosheh went and 'died', 'rest' yet when Yehoshua transfigured in front of Simon, Peter and Andrew, they saw Mosheh and Eliyah talking with Him. theres much much more.
in Love, Blessings and Peace. Ahavah Barruchah Shalome.


Is there not a more modern English translation of this text? Thanks for posting


It's a good resource mentioned 2 times in SCRIPTURE. I don't consider it to be an inspired writing, but has valuable info in it. Much Love to All, Justin


My friend, ANYBODY will reveal himself to you if you really want it to happen. That's the power of the human imagination combined with unchecked wishing. Here's a trivial example, but true: As a child I recall hearing Santa's sleigh bells at dead of night on Xmas eve. They were absolutely real to the 4 or 5 year old I was. The human mind, in its search for wish-fulfilment still tends towards the childlike.


meaning even though men think that one is dead or resting, we are not the ones who decide what is truly going on, for YHVH does as He pleases and it is not according to the understanding of men.


@TheWatchman144K Ok then, how about the Bible itself? Do we have the real version of THAT?
What's the best version?
I mean, in general, will God give Mankind some kind of break because we don't have ALL the info
we are SUPPOSED to have here regarding genuine LEGIT Ancient Texts?
You seem to be knowlegable, but you didn't direct us anywhere for further verification, etc.
Like how do YOU know with absolute certainty that this Book Of Jasher isn't the real deal?


please could you edit the music out. YHVH gave you a beautiful voice you do not need props. Shabbat Shalom


@mrtruthify A bastard meaning one wh does not know his FATHER (spiritually not physically), at least I hope, otherwise ...


I haven't used profanity. Age does not make you wise.Life does. I'm thirty seven years old. Life has dealt a difficult hand to all of us.
"perceived, as stupid?" But if I called you stupid I would be right; the fool says in his heart, "there is no God." JESUS Called people out on a daily basis. The prophets of old called people out. This conversation is going nowhere. You and I both know that there is a GOD. HIS Name is JESUS CHRIST. You know the TRUTH, but refuse to embrace TRUTH.


who was the translator of the copy you have?


Thanks Nobody Special85, YHWH bless you to finish reading for us the wonderful Book of Jasher. I find it more accurate than reading the Bible.


Please get rid of the back ground NOISE....Hard to listen to...


Where can I read a copy of this book online.? anybody know ?


I don't know about superior or wiser, but I'm certainly older than you and I've had plenty of time to observe human nature. I stand by what I said. There are people alive today who claim to be Jesus. There are examples of people claiming to have received messages from god - Joseph Smith. They all firmly believe they are right, yet you (superior? wiser?) would tell them they are wrong.
Does calling people dumb and stupid make you feel better? Is it what Christ would have wanted?


can you please do one without the background music ?


how do you know where the soul of saul is?did you meet him on the other side?this is what i have against christianity, they believe whole hearted that they have the only truth.if they would say i believe this but at the end we will see.but no they are sooo sure about it.lets face it we are all human and we do not really know a hundred procent.i dont care who u r but nobody really came back to tell or nobody ever was there to tell.
