Professor John Searle : Consciousness as a Problem in Philosophy and Neurobiology

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Professor John Searle (Willis S and Marion Slusser Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley) gave a public lecture as part of the CRASSH Mellon CDI Visiting Professor programme.
Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence | John Searle | Talks at Google
Professor John Searle : Consciousness as a Problem in Philosophy and Neurobiology
John Searle - Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism?
John Searle: Our shared condition -- consciousness
Consciousness & the Brain: John Searle at TEDxCERN
Consciousness as a Problem in Philosophy & Neurobiology (John Searle)
John Searle - Why is Consciousness so Mysterious?
The Biggest Questions: What Is Consciousness? Professor John Searle Interview (Introduction)
John Searle - Can Brain Explain Mind?
The Chinese Room - 60-Second Adventures in Thought (3/6)
John Searle - Solutions to the Mind-Body Problem?
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The famous Chinese Room thought experiment - John Searle (1980)
Consciousness & the Brain John Searle at TEDxCERN HD
Searle: Philosophy of Mind, lecture 1
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Debate on AI & Mind - Searle & Boden (1984)
Prof John Searl - British UFO inventor
Debate on Mind-Brain Relation: Searle vs Eccles (1984)
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