Basically every fnf mod with lyrics ever

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I decided to make a song segment and do this

I don’t hate this types of mods tho, just did this for fun lol

Based off this

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FNF lyric mods starter pack:
1. Existing IP but scary
2. Banger song
3. Jokey PNG sprites or incredibly detailed artwork (no inbetween)
4. ChatGPT written lyrics


Peppa: Actual clips of her voice
George: *O T A M A T O N E N O I S E S I N T E N S I F Y*


I bet at the end of the song, George isn't pushed but just slips down the stairs and fucking dies


dont forget where protagonist either falls dramatically or gets thrown dramatically, and the black bg with the flare stock effect


It’s like they’re trying so hard to be taken seriously.


Did you seriously look up a bad Peppa Pig creepypasta, make a song and sprites for it, and make it playable for a single joke video on Youtube?



On one hand, it’s starting to get old. On the other hand, seeing some character singing literal poetry in a song called “Poopfart” is hilarious and I’m all for it.


This is so true lmaoo, also your good at animating! :)

To be fair though, the mods I've seen with lyrics are pretty good.


Fnf modders just probably feel so motivated at this point lmao.


" Let's jump in bootycheeks " DID ANYONE SEE THAT I'M GOING TO CRY


Context of reference: peppa becomes sad because she's adopted


yeah idk what's up with this new trend of people making banger lyrics in their songs and calling it something like "bamble's ramble" but i'm here for it


0:34 when I was watching this at this part a car just beeped at the right time XD


So basically based on this:
Soon, George went up to Peppa. Peppa said "GO AWAY!" in a voice of Pocoyo. George didn't go away. Now, Peppa was mad. She grabbed George's dinosaur and smashed it into pieces on the floor. An instrumental of the Peppa Pig theme song then started to play, which caused George to start crying and run away. Peppa then walked towards the front door to destroy everything everyone needed. She walked back towards the front of her bedroom, looked at me, and said: "The reason I'm sad.. is because I was.. adopted!" Peppa then started to cry. But this wasn't the way she usually cry. Her crying sounded almost realistic. Peppa grabbed a rope from her closet and before she (nope) herself with it she said " 0:24 "


Here’s the story

Hi, my name is Jake. I'm 13 years old and go to the doctor twice a month for therapy. You might be wondering, "Why are you telling me that you have therapy?" Well, I'll tell you why. I guess I should begin by explaining how one weekend I was home alone. I was 12 when this happened, so it was pretty normal to be home alone at that age. I was going through some boxes in my attic. I had searched every box except one box, I went over to the box and looked inside, that's why I now go to therapyThe episode began with the theme song. There was no image of Peppa standing in the middle of nowhere.

It went to the actual episode. The title "Darkness" appeared onscreen. The camera panned into Peppa sitting on her bed with a somber look on her face. She often wore a red dress instead of pajamas and was crying for what seemed like a minute and a half. Then, Peppa started to look at me. She said:

"Please, help me! I can't live like this anymore."

Soon, Peppa walked out of her room and towards the front door. Peppa was walking for about five minutes, when she stopped. She then looked at me again. Peppa turned her head away. She then turned around and walked back into her house. Peppa sat down on the stairs, crying. I had never seen her this depressed. Soon, George went up to Peppa. Peppa said "GO AWAY!" in a voice of Pocoyo. George didn't go away. Now, Peppa was mad. She grabbed George's dinosaur and smashed it into pieces on the floor. An instrumental of the Peppa Pig theme song then started to play, which caused George to start crying and run away. Peppa then walked towards the front door to destroy everything everyone needed. She walked back towards the front of her bedroom, looked at me, and said: "The reason I'm sad.. is because I was.. adopted!" Peppa then started to cry. But this wasn't the way she usually cry. Her crying sounded almost realistic. Peppa grabbed a rope from her closet and before she hung herself with it she said "I don’t wanna live everything I know, is a lie.. I’m just a dumb pig" Then sh …The scene cuts to static. There was a black screen. Text said: "I DON'T WANNA BE SCRAPPED!"and It looked like a grave said Mr.Dinosaur and also R.I.P George but

It cut to the credits, as I could see the text.

And it said you're next 😭


The song is very cool, hope you release it as a full thing someday, cause i like the whole vid XD
Edit: he released the whole thing! Banger stuff


Every fnf with lyrics be like:

And also the animations is well done! Good job keep it up!


“Let’s hum in Bootycheeks!” Has me losing my ait


This is just like Baldi's Basics.
Someone makes a great mod with great music and a bossfight. Everyone start copying immediately to be famous.
In fnf's case. Someone makes a song with good backstory and the people are like "Eugh, but me wan famus two, me maek mop 🥺 two git famus" and then makes something way worse just to milk for stuff.


Peppa pig mod lyrics V2

I dont want to live...
Everything i know is a lie...
Im just dumb pig...
I cant do nothing...
Becuase I don't care at all much....
Im just a gross

Edit:If you wanna sing, SING
