Are you a chili head?? Wanna build your tolerance to CAPSAICIN?! This video will help! YOU GOT THIS!

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The Tubes of Terror, Original and 2.0 are AMAZING tolerance builders! One or two a day and you will see a MARKED jump in your capsaicin tolerance. Cheers!


To get some AWARD WINNING CTH-1 Pineango, and all the sauces in the CTH line up, NOW in 7 Oz. Pouches, 6 Hot Balls, Tube of Terror and CTH Hot Sauce Spoon click link below

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Thank you so much for this video. I tried this with my home-grown scotch bonnets (hot for me), which I never would have eaten on their own before; I would always cut up one and put them it a meal. After a week I've been able to eat them straight off the tree and now I can not only handle the heat but taste them. Johnny, your advice is gold!


1:59 love this energy; I just gnaw down on whole sweet bells almost daily. Banana & pepperocinis are culinary staples in my kitchen. I love cooking with dried chilis, NM varieties, cascabel, arbol, chipotle, Pequin, etc & hatch and poblano are burrito essentials.

Recently it occurred to me…I guess I really like peppers-I’m excited to dip my toes into the spicier things to see what else is out there. More than anything I want to increase tolerance so I can discover the depth of flavors within peppers that currently just burn me, starting at jalepeno!


Every chilihead goes through panic mode once. It happened to me when I was a kid and it taught me humility when approaching spice, and taught me that the heat won't kill me. It was a bad experience that paved the way for very good experiences.


I am not much of a chili head but I started watching you because my son went through a phase where he wanted to be one. But I continue to watch you because you are such a positive dude. Thank you for being such an enjoyable/kind dude in such a cynical world.


This is one of the most important videos you have ever done. It’s not just your knowledge of heat and peppers but it’s how humble and genuine you continue to be. That is so rare these days. From someone who loves all things hot sauce and peppers, keep being you and doing what you do.


Really interesting! Habanero is my favorite flavor wise so far. I kept thinking I wasn't that high on the scale being used to that now. But you saying that they have a sting was super interesting because I thought that when I tried hotter peppers. I felt like it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but it burned for a long time.


Thanks for touching on the subject of stomach tolerance. This gives me more confidence to push forward.


I went back to watch some of your older videos Johnny, and what I've noticed, your manners, politeness and courtesy has not changed, you have more tattoos, your production has got a hell of a lot better, and your later videos are MORE FUN TONWATCH, thank you for encouraging me to eat not only more peppers but also to try hotter peppers.
Thanks and love from England.


He's not kidding about tolerance going down, too. I started using chilis to help with my nerve pain over a decade ago. For that to work, I need something that pushes the envelope for me. Obviously over a long enough timeline, that starts getting harder. A could years ago it was too the point that if I had a flare up, it was a half a spoonful of SHP's Reaper tincture with two nitro shots in it. I decided to take a break, kind of got out of it, and now I'm struggling with habaneros again.


I have a paralyzed stomach and have a feeding tube going into my small intestine for nutrition but I can eat a little bit because of a pacemaker for my stomach. I swear hot peppers actually digest better than most of things


Chewing up a pepper really well + eating something prior (and even after) = best advice anyone can get from this


Probably the best insight I’ve seen for how to get to your nutty levels.


As a diabetic, hot peppers and capcaisin helps regulate my blood sugar :)


Ive watched your videos for years, this video, althought Ive seen it late, perfectly describes my own experience. I was at a place where my mouth heat capacity and mental fortitude were pushing me to higher hotter limits. I ate the chip challenge one day at a friends house, and although my mouth was fine, it was my stomach that was in terrible pain. It knocked me down a notch and scared me from my climb. Youre video put things into perspective for me. Thank you.. The training continues!


I don't particularly like hot chiles. I have a few here and there, I'm actually a chef so I use them occasionally in certain applications. But what I do like is watching people who are genuinely over the top passionate about something. Especially when that something is niche and has a close knit hardcore community. Watching everything you do and how much people look up to you is fascinating and I love it. I wonder how many others watch and subscribe to you for the same reason? Keep being exactly you sir. People like you keep life fun and interesting and remind us to never stop doing what we love. 🤟


after watching the Hulu documentary, it made me super curious into the whole pepper world. I watched this video about how to boost your tolerance a few months back, starting with jalapenos daily, then moved up to serranos. Also, started buying habanero hot sauces. Long story short, i am now on habaneros as my building tolerance pepper, so thank you for posting this video, helped me greatly.


I started chasing the heat with Tabasco (the least tastiest hotsauce), Tapatio, Sriracha, Chalula: all the gateway hotsauces you find at your local markets and restaurants. And I can say, they sure do get a whole lot tastier. But once I got once built my tolerance I found myself doing more to get my fix!


Greetings from Ukraine, Kyiv! Johnny, cool t-shirt! I love TOOL! I was at their concert in Poland in 2019. I love watching your videos! We have a war in our country... And I grow hot peppers outside the city in the country... It's good that there is such an opportunity!


i was at habanero level for 20 years. they are awesome. started growing some 3 years ago. last year i stepped up and also grew a ghost pepper plant. this year i went nuts and grew 4 ghost pepper plants and 2 primotaliis. its been a crazy ride. i got people at work on the bus too lol


Excellent video. Another thing about capsaicin is that it’s a powerful anti inflammatory. I used to take turmeric daily to help me with my arthritis, but since being on a daily hot sauce regimen, I get the same benefits.
