Solve Microsoft Office file Macro Security Blocking issue when the file is on a network drive

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When you open a Microsoft Office file on a network drive, sometimes you will see a security alert: "Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted." If you click Learn More, it links to a web page that does not really solve the problem.
There is an easy solution that actually works. We will use DriveHQ's WebDAV Drive Mapping and Cloud File Server service as an example. DriveHQ offers the most efficient and reliable cloud file server that also supports cloud file locking. To map a cloud drive, you just need to install DriveHQ WebDAV Drive Mapping Tool software. In this example, we have mapped a cloud drive Z:.
Double click on an Excel file with macros, it will open the file and display the security alert. To solve it, just click the File Menu, then click Options. In the popup window, click Trust Center, then click Trust Center Settings. Then click Trusted Locations, then click Add new location. Type in a folder location, or click Browse and select a folder path. Check the checkbox if subfolders of the location should also be trusted.
It is very important to "Allow trusted locations on my network". Now, click Ok to save the settings.
After you saved the settings, close Excel and open the file again, the security alert will not be displayed again, and the Macros are enabled.
This method also works for Microsoft Word documents that contain macros.
DriveHQ is a leading Cloud IT Service provider and Cloud Recording service provider. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. If it is helpful, please subscribe to our Youtube channel.
There is an easy solution that actually works. We will use DriveHQ's WebDAV Drive Mapping and Cloud File Server service as an example. DriveHQ offers the most efficient and reliable cloud file server that also supports cloud file locking. To map a cloud drive, you just need to install DriveHQ WebDAV Drive Mapping Tool software. In this example, we have mapped a cloud drive Z:.
Double click on an Excel file with macros, it will open the file and display the security alert. To solve it, just click the File Menu, then click Options. In the popup window, click Trust Center, then click Trust Center Settings. Then click Trusted Locations, then click Add new location. Type in a folder location, or click Browse and select a folder path. Check the checkbox if subfolders of the location should also be trusted.
It is very important to "Allow trusted locations on my network". Now, click Ok to save the settings.
After you saved the settings, close Excel and open the file again, the security alert will not be displayed again, and the Macros are enabled.
This method also works for Microsoft Word documents that contain macros.
DriveHQ is a leading Cloud IT Service provider and Cloud Recording service provider. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. If it is helpful, please subscribe to our Youtube channel.