Qu’est-ce qu’une Banque coopérative ?
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Les banques coopératives partagent un principe simple : il s’agit d’associer des personnes physiques ou morales volontairement au sein d’une entreprise pour mobiliser collectivement l’épargne et accorder des prêts à ses clients qui en sont les propriétaires, appelés sociétaires. La naissance des banques coopératives est issue d’un mouvement coopératif européen. Si chaque banque coopérative a sa propre histoire, elles opèrent aujourd’hui au sein de groupes bancaires généralistes et internationaux qui représentent près de 63% des parts de marché en France. Les banques coopératives se distinguent des banques dites capitalistes par leur statut juridique, leur mode d’organisation et leur engagement envers la société.
Traduction / Translation :
Cooperative banks share the simple principle: they involve individuals or legal entities voluntarily joining together within a company to collectively mobilize savings and grant loans to its clients, who are owners of the company, called members. The birth of cooperative banks is the result of a European cooperative movement. While each cooperative bank has its own history, they operate today within generalist and international banking groups; they represent nearly 63% of the market share in France. Cooperative banks are distinguished from so-called capitalist banks by their legal status, their mode of organization and their commitment to society.
Auteur.e.s / Author.s :
PALLAS Valérie, Maitre de Conférences, sciences de gestion, IAE Paris-Est
Institutions :
IAE Paris-Est
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Traduction / Translation :
Cooperative banks share the simple principle: they involve individuals or legal entities voluntarily joining together within a company to collectively mobilize savings and grant loans to its clients, who are owners of the company, called members. The birth of cooperative banks is the result of a European cooperative movement. While each cooperative bank has its own history, they operate today within generalist and international banking groups; they represent nearly 63% of the market share in France. Cooperative banks are distinguished from so-called capitalist banks by their legal status, their mode of organization and their commitment to society.
Auteur.e.s / Author.s :
PALLAS Valérie, Maitre de Conférences, sciences de gestion, IAE Paris-Est
Institutions :
IAE Paris-Est
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