Brokering peace: The two-state solution explained

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As the Israel-Hamas war rages on, President Biden has again suggested what is known as the two-state solution. NBC News' Noah Pransky explains the concept and its current plausibility.

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A two state solution will never work as long as one state(s) refuses recognize the existence one state or the other.


This describes life in an alternate universe. In this one, the conditions for a two-state solution have been deliberately and systematically eroded for years.


Here's an idea - Have the Palestinians alter the covenants, charters, and basic laws that they live under, encourage them to have free elections, and encourage them to remove anti-Semitic materials from their public education system.
The current covenants, charters, and basic laws of both Hamas and the PLO call for the destruction of Israel and the expulsion and eradication of the Jews.
The Palestinians haven't had free elections since 2006, when Hamas won the majority of the votes across all the Palestinian territories and the PLO and Hamas had a civil war to decide who ruled where.
The teaching materials, cartoons, children's media, and


USA needs to stop playing world police. The taxpayers are sick of it.


neither of them want two states. both sides want it all for themselves. no amount of wishy-washy stuff from american politicians will ever change that fact.


As Christians
1. As Christians we are called to heal the poor and sick of this world. Amen.


All for a two-state solution, but to show the complete history please also refer to how Palestinians were kicked out of Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and why. Without those countries there can never be real peace.


Israel and Palestine are divided on the two state solution; some favor for peace, while others are against the notion and attempting to seize control of the entire land.


Kindness isn't hard, its easy, and when you are kind, all things are possible. Amen.


Under the Apartheid regime, South Africa had a system that was similar to a two-state solution. Within the borders of South Africa, the regime created a number of "homelands" - small nominally-independent "states" - that were largely impoverished, controlled by the Apartheid government through puppet presidents, and designated as the home nations of black South Africans. This was touted as a solution to the "problem" of blacks and whites co-existing in the country. The homelands played a critical role in the cruel social engineering experiment of Apartheid.

I believe that a two-state solution in Israel would similarly foster and entrench hatred between Israelis and Palestinians. What did work in South Africa, however, was the abolishment of enforced race categories, in favour of equal rights for all, and, after four bitter years of negotiation that culminated in a democratic election, in which every South African, black, white, "coloured' and Indian, voted as citizens and equals. Against all odds, and under the threat of imminent civil war, it worked. I believe this is the only viable long-term solution for Israel.


The idea of a "two-state solution" has been pushed and hammered relentlessly into the minds of the people since the waning years of the British occupation of Mandatory Palestine. The British, and later the Americans, followed by nearly all UN member states, accepted that view and saw the division of the country known as Palestine (aka Land of Israel) - along ethnic lines - as being indispensable for the security and well-being of the state. Why have nearly all nations forgotten that the country known as Palestine (or Judea and Israel by others) has always been comprised of different ethnic groups who lived and worked side by side under a single form of government? Sure, there have been times of ethnic tensions and inner-fighting between groups, but this has had no impact on the governance of the country as a whole.

Why haven't the same powers considered that by promoting a "two-state solution" and by being antagonistic towards the officiating government in Israel it has been a sure and certain cause for the continual unrest? Many Palestinian Arabs, when speaking of Israeli control over the "West Bank", speak of it in terms of an "occupation." The term "occupation" implies that it is a territory that has been seized by force and by the dint of arms and which same territory had never once been a part of the territory of the conquering people. Here, however, the premise is wrong. It was, indeed, once an integral part of Palestine, and the Jewish conquerors, themselves, were once known as "Palestinian Jews." The "West Bank" had, indeed, belonged to Jews and Arabs alike during Mandatory Palestine and during the Ottoman era, and during all preceding years, but that, in the specific case of Palestine, Israel wrestled those eastern parts of Palestine from Jordanian control in 1967, and took control of the whole country, including its Arab populations, in an effort to restore the country's original borders, which stretched from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The question then is can the two peoples live peaceably together in one united country?

I say that they can. This is evidenced by the way Jews and Arabs live peaceably together in Haifa, in Ramleh, in Jaffa and in Beersheba, among many other places. So what can we say about Jenin and Nablus? Someone once said: "Wars are an interaction between two competing political wills to assert their will on the other by the use of organized violence." "Home demolition" only happens after a terrorist attack against innocents; "Checkpoints" were established only after a spate of bombings by commuters from areas beyond the areas of these checkpoints. Let us all remember here that there are two sides to every story, and the Israeli side of the story is seldom mentioned in the press. By the way, I am all for mutual co-existence and common respect and decency between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. I work with many Arabs, and I have this background experience to know that our two peoples are capable of living together in harmony and with mutual respect.


The whole story explained at 2:17- 2:25, I love how y’all have to slide in the truth somewhere so the IDF don’t see it, thank you


The problem is Netenyahu. Instead of honoring the treaty, he reversed it and he still doing it.


Hannah Arendt outlined two state discussions from the 1930s as a return to Israeli was being conceptualized. Those who backed the two state 'future' recognized that anything less would bring perpetual chaos and conflict. They were right. The one state ideology won out... and this is the culmination of their actions toward that goal. It could have been so different.


Sadly we did the same thing in Canada to the indigenous. A very old playbook. "Grow up Humanity!"


But after they are two states, what prevents that they attack each other, like any other two states that have attack each other?


For those who still cling to the fantasy of a two-state solution--have you looked a map of the West Bank with the settlements and the connecting roads and security zones and so on? Please tell me where this Palestinian state is going to be located. They have been broken up into reservations basically. Bantustans. And all this talk of Israel being a democracy is true only of Israeli citizens--not true of the millions of Palestinians unlucky enough to have been born into the wrong families and religion. For those Palestianians, in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel is a tyranny. They have no rights, and in Gaza especially--nothing to gain, and nothing to lose.


Since most Israelis won't accept a two state solution and don't see this as a solution (looking at all the settlements that been built since the Oslo accord). Israel need to tear down the prison walls to Palestinian territories and let them live as their equals. I see this as the only solution to the crisis that has been going on for 75 years and not getting any better. Those people have been lived there for thousands of years and they deserve and most enjoy equal rights like any Israelis do or else you can not call it the beacon of democracy in the Middle east. Only then can the problem be solved.
If the walls comes down the desperation of the Palestinian people will decrease and the extremist will loose support there like Hamas. 75 years of Zionism has proved it wont work but a state that gives equal rights to all groups of people is the only solution. The only one benefiting from the current situation is the warmongers and arms dealers as I see it. The Lord be with us all.🙏🙏


What's the point in trying to explain 75 years in 3 minutes? The conflict is way more complex and complicated than this video suggests


Palestinians refused the two state solution Israel was unfairly given 56% of the land though they were only 30% of the population
