Babylon 5 20th Anniversary Conventions - The Fan Experience

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Here to unbox the Babylon 5 20th Anniversary Conventions: The Fan Experience package.

This is a comprehensive coverage of both monumental B5 conventions: Phoenix Comicon and Space City Con both of which took place in 2013, the 20th anniversary year of B5.

As the title suggests, the aim of this set is to give unprecedented access to all the panels in these conventions, and experience them as if I'm a fan sitting in the audience.

This is particularly exciting for me, given that I am all the way down in Australia, and so it's practically quite hard to actually be physically present at these events, and so to be able to experience them in this virtual way, is the next best thing.

There are 22 hours of panel discussions from the two conventions, broken down into 22 separate videos on 7 MP4 Video Data Discs.

Plus, there’s an exclusive bonus disc with PDFs of the convention programs, as well as MP3 audio files of every single panel - so I can listen to them on the go.

There are two transcript books, one for each convention totaling 700+ pages. Each book contains the complete transcript of every panel, fully annotated.

Let's take a quick look at the annotations. They are more than just footnotes and reference points - they’re full-on commentary, adding a whole new dimension to the facts.

Just a note, that these videos and transcripts don't cover the cast reunion panels at either convention. These reunion panels will actually be released early in 2015 as a Cast Experience package, which I will be getting too, so stay tuned for that!

In the meantime, I look forward to the many hours of viewing and listening to two conventions worth of material and I thank the crew over at B5 books for bringing this complete experience to fans like me who could not attend these Cons and so here is a chance to see some of what I missed.

That's it from me, hope you enjoyed this quick look at the Babylon 5 20th Anniversary Conventions: The Fan Experience package.
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