Buying This Used Jeep Wrangler was the Biggest Mistake I've Made *Blue Jeep Update

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Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Jeep Wranglers, especially the TJ series. I daily drive one and love it way more than I should. But when the opportunity arose to purchase this WAY underpriced Jeep TJ, I couldn't pass it up. Only when I tried to take the wheels off did i discover why this purchase was a mistake.

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I bought my Jeep TJ new in late 1996 as a 1997. It is the best vehicle I have ever had. Right now, she has 408, 000 miles on the odometer and climbing. The secret is never to let anybody work on your Jeep. Always do all your own modifications, maintenance, and repairs. Study schematics, buy quality tools, learn all you can about your Jeep. I am sure I can get 30 more years out of her.


Spends $1500 on a running Jeep then "gasp", he has to replace some parts.


$1500, I'll take it! That's a steal! Work on it and that thing can become a beast. 4.0 too!


What you could of done on lug nuts over tighted them n twist them breaking the bolt n those can be replaced $ 3- 10 a piece or junk yard, , starter was easy it's the brushes, I hit mines dented it all the way around the brushes were touching n working for about 5 months, . Leaking oils will mess up motor n lite starts or hard ones getting stuck on flywheel, then again you can just buy the motor on it, , , last when you have rust on it you can either hide by brushing top layer putting a rust primer stop bleeding, 3 coats then the paint match by can, n clear coat 3 phase, the other is removing the rust completely making holes using shears n other metal tools using metal as a back brace either jb cold weld or hot weld grinding sanding lightly on metal on top of metal to filled in line up with body, , or used JB weld as a filler n Bondo which works way better it's more work but cheaper than buying fenders doors large cut outs on back fenders then welding


Wait wait wait you found a TJ for $1500 and your complaining?


I had the exact same problem with my lug nuts on my 99 tj Sahara! There is a solution for those who might have the same issue !
Use a 6 foot long wrench bar to apply gentle high torque but dont try to undo the nut just apply pressure then at the same time get a friend rhythmically beat the socket with a bloody big hammer ! This worked on every stripped nut like a charm !


yuh, yuh, yuh, memories... in my case I found out later from someone who thought they knew the history of the jeep; The one I bought may have gotten stuck in the surf at Pismo Beach. Apparently, they didn't clean and grease things up correctly. But after... a lot of work it turned out to be a good vehicle! You're keeping a smile on your face, that's the main thing! It looks great!


I can not believe you destroyed the wheels that way! 3 drill bit sizes thru the center of the lugs would have done the job in a quarter of the time! This is a common occurrence and would have saved the wheels.


Just saw this "GREAT STUFF" doing one right now LOL !!! Mines at Steves jeep country NH right now, and boy am I going to pay for it$$$$ I feel all jeep owners that go through this should have some kind of tax credit or at least your name on some war wall...


Bought my 1998 Jeep for $6, 000.
Within the first year replaced the engine mounts, fan shroud, alternator. Second year the transmission case was cracked and had to be replaced, then had to have the transmission rebuilt. Third year got the death wobble, and spent a small fortune getting that fixed properly. Also replaced the coolant lines the same year. Now the radiator is leaking and I have to replace it this weekend. All told I have spent almost as much fixing it as I paid for it.

Still have to recharge the a/c, fix some rust spots, replace the brakes, and some other small items.

I still like my Jeep. Just glad I don’t live in an apartment complex anymore where I can’t work on it myself.

Jeeps are like strippers; they are happiest when you keep throwing money at them.


So you had a bad starter and bad lug nuts. Thats not a lot wrong. You sound like a whiner.


Hmmmm... not seeing an issue here. For $1500 and a few MINOR issues, you have a damn fine Jeep.


Cutting the rims made as much sense as not being able to take the oil filter out and torching the whole front end of the vehicle off.


For anyone looking to buy a good Jeep, go to a south western state and get one with no salt rust on the undercarriage. Saves you a lot of maintenance. I bought my 99 TJ back in 2009 in north Hollywood and this thing is clean. All original stock except new soft top.


$ 0.02, If anyone ever has the stripped lug nut problem, dont cut the wheels off. Please. Take a 1/8th in drill bit and bore through the center of the lug nut. Keep drilling with progressively bigger bits until you have completely removed the lugs. Happened to me. Wasn't fun, but I still have my wheels.


Looking good man. Its always the "easy" quick flips that bite you in the ***. Thats a hard lesson I've learned more than once..


That color is sure a blast from the past. I believe that is a 97 or 98 Jeep Wrangler in gunmetal blue. Same color as my very first wrangler!


This was one of the first issues I dealt with too when I bought my TJ five years ago. I ended up painstakingly drilling out each stud. Good quality drill bits were key, and it sucked. Ultimately what I would do now is just drill around the stud with a bi-metallic hole-saw bit (1 inch diameter, inexpensive at home depot or lowes) and just sacrifice the rims like you did....those hardened bits will chew through the aluminum easily. Then just cut the studs with an angle grinder. Better yet, just yank out the whole axle/wheel/tire and get rid of it. Get some alloy axle shafts with decent wheels and tires. Wish I'd started a YT channel to document my own journey from trash heep to rad jeep.


I have owned 3 Jeeps and they certainly are a lot of maintenance. That being said since you are familiar with Jeeps you could make this a business opportunity and purchase older Jeeps fix them up and resale them knowing you are selling a good solid product to people who want a Jeep Wrangler. Certainly something to think about!


I can't wait to get my hands on one of those Jeeps they're popular to drive in Puerto Rico and I always see you at the Puerto Rican date festival I like the classic Jeeps they'll make them like that no more
