Pro-life Politics after the Mid-terms

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In this episode Trent examines the results of the 2022 mid-term elections and what they mean for pro-life political goals moving forward.

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My sister teaches health in California in public school. When she gets to the chapter on abortion and how it’s legal at viability, she refers the students back to the chapter on conception and development and points out the stage of development when abortion is legal. The students gasp. They are surprised how developed the baby is. Looking at pictures and sonograms helps change hearts.


I continue to be impressed how you maintain a high level of apologetics against Protestantism, atheism, and abortion (and others). God bless you, Trent.


We definitely tried our best here in Michigan to stop Prop 3 from passing. In the Diocese of Kalamazoo Bishop Bradley directed his priests to inform their congregations for weeks. I wasn’t optimistic it would be defeated and unfortunately my fears were confirmed. Please pray for women and the unborn throughout the world and especially in our state.


Trent, you really are such a blessing. Thank you for all your hard work and thoughtfulness. 🙏✝️🕊️🇺🇸💕


Hey Trent, I'm in Kansas and I think you hit it on the head regarding the Kansas stuff. One argument I saw which irritated me how blatantly false it was was the argument that doctors wouldn't be able to medically remove stillborn babies from a woman's uterus. Trust me when I say that the advocates for abortion that run the pro-choice orgs are willing to lie to gain the advantage. Keep up the good work.


Thank you for helping focus on the babies for it be unthinkable. Hope you and your family have a blessed day. P.S. Too Far with Laura Horn is one of the funniest channels and it's great seeing your guest appearances. God bless you, Trent.


Trent I need help, long story short I’m a 18 year old kid who lives in Michigan. I voted no on Prop 3, however my parents who are 100% “Cafeteria Catholics” and “Progressives” voted yes. An argument broke out between me and my parents on the way home after Church because the priest said “If you voted yes on Prop 3 you should get confession before taking communion.” I showed my parents an article showing the teaching of church on Abortion (The Article in question showed quotes of cardinals in the 70s basically affirming my opinion that the priest was right.), however, According to my father a monsignor (Monsignor Gordon his name) told him so long as you believe in god and don’t do the act of the sin you can take communion (basically saying you can vote how you want as a Catholic), is that true? Either way I’m having trouble trying to evangelize my parents and teach them the ways of the church and God without getting yelled at and shunned, what should I do?


One thing I never could understand is if a baby is born alive from an abortion procedure according to the US Constitution that baby is automatically a US citizen and has rights. How could they kill the baby and not be killing a US citizen who has inalienable rights to life at that point? How can that not be straight up murder?


Trent I must say I have been enjoying how much you've been uploading recently. I think a constant dialogue on catholic issues has helped me in maintaining focus with my faith. Please keep up the good work!!


The pro-life cause is the most important political cause in America today. Thank you for your work.


Thank you, Trent, for this response to the mid-terms. The Supreme Court proved that changing the law ended up changing hearts -- when all anti-abortion laws were erased in a single decision in 1973, all the polls showed that the majority was pro-life. Your explanation of laws that passed and laws that did not was very helpful!


Just got done doing outreach at the University of San Antonio with JFA, had a lot of great conversations alongside your old colleagues. I got to use a lot of your tips about pro life dialogue with some unruly college students. Great experience


I’m in Montana where a referendum on saving the life of a child with breathing, voluntary movements following an abortion went down by 4% of the vote. The law compelled the doctor and medical staff to attempt to save the child.

Unfortunately, the abortion advocates and media chose to fight the law by putting up the straw man of distraction. Doctors will get sued, “doctors” are afraid of this law.

BUT, Montana now has a super-majority in the legislature. The conservatives can add an amendment to the Montana constitution without going before a vote of the public again. I have not given up hope.


Thanks be to God for your ministry Trent. When it comes to Catholics or Protestant Christians my spiritual observation when it comes to abortion is that many of us are complacent in our faith. We, (that includes me) easily offend and disobey Jesus but abide in the idol of respectability because we don't want to offend or prefer to just go along to get along. I pray daily for the end of abortion, vote pro life and pray to be more active in defending life of the unborn.


We pro-life folks in the Philippines are just as jubilant upon knowing the overturn of RvW


You should write a book called “intro to politics for Catholics”


The more women (as well as fathers) that are compelled by laws that prevent them from getting abortions that they desire, the more pro life they will become when they realize how beautiful of God’s gift of life is when they raise that child.


Thanks for bringing some hope, Trent. Michigan is a really sad place right now due to prop 3. It seems hopeless especially due to mass election fraud too. You’re right about trying to make abortion unthinkable. I like to ask people if they know anything about what the operation of abortion actually entails because if they admit to what actually goes on, it’s harder to ignore.


When it comes to the issue of abortion it’s not a dichotomy as we staunch pro-lifers thought but a spectrum. While only a few believe abortion should be allowed everywhere, unfettered, taxpayer funded, and up to birth and even beyond, only a few people also believe like we do that life begins at conception and there should be abortion bans with no exceptions. Most pro-lifers are not as pro-life as we are no more than most pro-choicers are as pro-abortion as a few are. Most Americans who identify one or another are somewhere in the middle and we either need to compromise and meet them in the middle or have an aggressive pro-life education drive going to get most Americans to agree with us in which case good luck with that. While I am extremely glad Roe finally got overturned as it was unAmerican and unconstitutional for an unelected courts to decide for the entire nation on such a hot topic issue and I used think that on such a hot topic issue the people should obviously get decide by referendum but you can’t vote on spectrums. The elected state legislatures are the ones who should decide on how to exactly deal with it and if people don’t like what they decide they can either vote them out or move to the state that fits their values, the 50 laboratories of democracy that makes federalism work! That’s the way it should have been done half a century ago and we are all now doing! But better late than never though right?


Does anyone know the origin of the term "apologetics" and "apologist" ? When I told my father (who is Catholic) about Trent Horn he asked me why he calls himself an apologist. He asked "is he apologizing for his faith?"

True story.
