Halloween-Event 2024 in Forge of Empires

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Werft ihr gerne mit Besteck? Dann ist das Halloween-Event genau euer Ding. In diesem Video erkläre ich, wie das Eventspiel funktioniert, welche neuen Gebäude ihr dabei abgreifen könnt und gebe euch noch ein paar Tipps mit auf den Weg.


0:00 Intro
0:15 Eventspiel
2:10 Neue Gebäude
3:17 Strategie
6:01 Rivalenherausforderungen
7:30 Outro

#forgeofempires #foe
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Das Minispiel mit Kerzen und Laternen war so schön und die Chance eine Puppe zu finden.


Finde es ganz gut, dass diese alte Mechanik des Sommer Events zurück kommt! Mir hat sie immer gut gefallen 😃

Werde vermutlich auf die Anstalt gehen, brauche diese QI Werte 😐


Danke fürs zeigen!! Ich bin froh, dass es nach dem letzten Event diesmal nicht so zeitaufwendig ist und ganz entspannt angegangen werden kann ;o)


Here is a full transcript of the video:

Halloween-Event 2024 in Forge of Empires

If you like throwing knives, then the Halloween event is right up your alley. In this video, I'll explain how the event game works, which new buildings you can get, and give you a few tips along the way.

The event game is pretty simple this time around. You find yourself in a kind of fairground with a target full of potential rewards in front of you. You can use event currency to throw a knife and then claim the reward you hit. If throwing individual knives seems like a birthday without cake, you can also throw three or five knives at once. By the way, the timing of the throw has no influence on the price hit, it depends solely on chance. Each price is only available in a limited number on the wheel.

In addition to the button for simply throwing a knife, there is another one that refreshes the wheel and brings up completely new prices. Since your own skill doesn't play a role anyway, you can also deactivate the animations to make throwing knives much faster. You share the target with the prices in this event with your neighborhood. A ticker runs at the bottom showing who last claimed which price when. On the left side, you get up to six tasks per day, for which you are rewarded with some event currency or colored elixir points. You can also get these elixir points through some of the prizes on the target. The elixir points are collected in cylinders on the right. As soon as you have at least ten of each color, you can summon a window with six chests that you can open. However, only one of them is free, each additional one would cost you event currency. If you have less than 10 elixir points of each color, you have the option to balance the elixir points. However, this becomes more expensive each time.

The main building is a roller coaster with high production values, the ability to mass-produce self-help kits, and a room for a historical ally of the second rarity level. A matching ally can be obtained through the rival. More on that later. The three side buildings offer a change of pace with population instead of costs, but the effects are also limited compared to other event buildings. The Enchanted Elixir Emporium can be obtained by opening all six chests and shines mainly through high blue combat values and a chance of fragments for special production completion. The Golden Building brings relatively high red combat values and, as usual, fragments for the main building. Last but not least, the Abandoned Asylum gets a silver and gold level, which, in addition to high general red combat values, also brings permanent red Qi combat values, making it a red counterpart to the mythical tavern from the last event.

Well, as far as strategic options are concerned in this event, you're pretty limited. You throw knives, you hit a random price, and each knife is worth z points. Hitting a price that brings elixir points gives you five additional league points, but you can't influence what you hit anyway. To maximize your chances of certain prizes on the target, you would have to lurk in the event window for a neighbor to play the event game and hit a few unpleasant prizes so that your own chances of the better prizes increase slightly and you can then quickly snatch them from your neighbor. But that's no fun for me at least and feels a bit like stalking. A bit questionable game design when the ideal approach looks like this. Well, thanks to the lack of tactical influence, this event is basically just about how much event currency you have available. If you take all the rival tasks and the daily challenges, you get 2007 event currency plus event currency from events and daily tasks in the event game. At this point, I can offer you two options, similar to the last event. In option 1, you go for the main building and optionally the silver and gold upgrade kits of the Abandoned Asylum. To do this, you have to play for progress in the event pass, which simply means throwing knives with all your event currency. Ideally, you only throw knives when it's required for daily tasks. If you still have event currency left towards the end of the event, you can easily throw all the event currency into cutlery and thus the world around you on the last day. You get the main building with 2100 progress at the highest normal level, which should be an achievable goal for most players. The golden upgrade kit for the Abandoned Asylum is at 2400 progress. This is also possible, but then requires an average of about 20 event tickets from the daily tasks in the event each day. A second option would be to get a few enchanted emporia. To do this, you would have to open all six chests for 200 event currency whenever you have enough elixir points. Since you're putting a lot of event currency into the chests, you would automatically forego the possibility of the complete main building. This building received a few significant improvements at the last minute, so it's now definitely worth considering collecting six to eight of them instead of going for the main building. The decision is yours.

The rival tasks were largely easy in this beta, but didn't have very good rewards either. Overall, you're showered with elixir points for each individual task and also get the historical ally Alexander the Great in the unusual rarity level if you complete both rivals up to task 29. This gives you 90 attack for the attacking army, but can only be placed in rooms of the same rarity level, so currently only in the main building of this event. The event currency can be won in both rivals within the first 18 tasks and should therefore be achievable for pretty much all players. Especially the last three tasks of the second rival are disproportionately expensive, as you first have to mix all your elixir points and then call up the chests several times and even open six of them at the end. Fortunately, these three tasks are not required to get Alexander the Great, so at this point of the beta rival tasks, I can only advise you against wanting to complete the last tasks if you have your eye on the main building and the golden upgrade kit of the Abandoned Asylum. As always, we won't know until very shortly before the event what changes will be made between the beta and live rivals. I'll keep you updated on my Discord server, the link to which is in the description.

Overall, I think it's nice to have a calmer event game after an extremely time-consuming event like the community event, but somehow I miss something in this event game. Well, basically there's a button that turns ten event currency into a random price, and that's pretty much it. There's no way to influence the so-called event game through skill, planning ahead, or any tactics, which I find very disappointing overall. What do you think? Write me your opinion on the event in the comments, join my Discord server, and if you haven't already, leave a subscription and a thumbs up. See you soon in the next video.


Zur Abwechslung mal ein nicht zeitraubendes Event ist super. Meine Tochter freut sich auch. Hat das alte Sommerevent immer geliebt, wenn man den Nachbarn die Preise vom Rad mopsen kann 😂


Danke. Gut erklärt.
Sicher schön, mal ein entspanntes Event wieder zu spielen. Mir gefällt nur nicht, dass es wieder gefühlt 1000 verschiedene Gebäude gibt für die man sich entscheiden muss. Ein Hauptgebäude und Upgrades zu alten Gebäuden hätte gelangt.


Ich finde das super mit der einfachen Mechanik, fand das Fußball und das Frosch Event damals klasse, es heißt ja "Minispiel" 🤩🤩🤩
Ich finde den aktuellen Kurs mit den aufwendigen Techniken bei den Events nicht so gut.
Aber um die Meisten abzuholen, würde ich in den Events zwei Möglichkeiten anbieten das Event zu schaffen, ne einfache Variante, wie in dem kommenden Event, wo man das Hauptgebäude und Platin Upgrades schaffen kann und für die, die das mit mehr Biss spielen wollen, so komplex wie das letzte Event mit einem Boni für den höheren Aufwand.
Die Rivalen kommen dann auch noch dazu. 🙂
Vg Robser


Klasse erklärt wie immer und vllt schaffe ich dieses Event mal, is ja einfach😊das letzte event war echt sehr anstrengend und wer arbeitet hat keine Chance das Gebäude vollständig fertig zu bekommen oder reichlich dias investiert.


Super Video :D
nur ist das einer meiner Lieblings Eventspiele
kann sehr viel abgreifen bei den richtigen Nachbern, die für einen rerollen


Wieder gut erklärt, besten Dank für das Video. Und durch dein letztes Video bin ich mal in der Silber-Liga-Belohnung gelandet dafür auch noch mal lieben Dank. Freu mich auf die nächsten


Mir fehlt bei dem Event... der Spaß. Danke für den Einblick in die möglichen Strategien- es ist genauso wie ich es mir schon auf Beta dachte :D


Ich freu mich jedes mal, wenn dein neues Video zum Event auftaucht :)


da werde ich jetzt mal anfangen, die alten LG wie Alca, Dom, Basilius, zu verschrotten. Da bringen Eventgebäude deutlich mehr.


Vielen Dank für das Video 👍👍 Ich vermisse jetzt schon das Kartenspiel vom letzten Jahr 😢😢 Ich werfe auch privat Messer, Beile und 2-H Axt. Aber das da in dem video hat mit "Event-Spiel" rein gar nichts zu tun. 1 Knopf drücken und nimm was du kriegst.
Ums verrecken setz ich mich nicht an den PC und warte drauf das meine Nachbarn auch spielen. 😆


Zeigt mal wieder, dass man nichts verkaufen kann uns so das Inventar immer mehr zugemüllt wird.


Deine Videos sind super. Auch dieses, was man vom Eventspiel nicht behaupten kann. Kein Spiel, keine Taktik, nur geklicke. Doooof


Thank you for your videos! If you speak English there seems to be no English speaker actively talking about events and it could introduce you to a larger audience. The closed caption works great for me!


Angesichts meiner begrenzten Zeit scheint es die beste Strategie zu sein, mich auf das Öffnen von Truhen auf meinen Nebenwelten zu konzentrieren. Ich werde weder tägliche noch Rivalenherausforderungen schaffen, nur die Questreihe. Wie viele Belohnungen kann ich erwarten, wenn ich am letzten Tag alles Geld ausgebe?


Hatte mich auf das Karten- oder Marktspiel gefreut! Aber das? Och nöö...


Ist es in diesem Event möglich, in die Goldliga zu kommen ohne Diamanten einzusetzen? Wenn nein, wie viel Dias sind vermutlich erforderlich?🤔
