March 05, 2024 Hybrid MUHC Medical Grand Rounds by Dr. William D Foulkes & Evan Weber

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Title: “Tales from Mainstreaming : Cancer Susceptibility Gene Testing at the MUHC”
-Dr. William D Foulkes, Medical Geneticist Division Director, Medical Genetics, MUHC and JGH Chair, Department of Human Genetics, McGill University
-Evan Weber, Genetic Counsellor, Division of Medical Genetics and Optilab-MUHC

Hybrid MUHC Medical Grand Rounds
March 5, 2024 at 12h00-13h00,

Educational Objectives:
-Introduction to mainstreamed genetic testing at the MUHC
-How cross-specialty collaborations can increase access to genetic testing, reduce patient waiting times, allow healthcare practitioners to practice at the top of their scope and foster positive relationships between clinical services.

Biosketch Dr. William D Foulkes:
Dr. Foulkes is a Medical Geneticist in the departments of Medicine, Oncology, Human Genetics and Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is Chair of the Department of Human Genetics at McGill University and a Distinguished James McGill Professor. He is Division Director for Medical Genetics at the MUHC and JGH. His interest is in hereditary cancer.

Biosketch of Evan Weber, Genetic Counsellor, Division of Medical Genetics and Optilab-MUHC:
Evan Weber is a certified genetic counsellor with a dual role of laboratory genetic counsellor at the Core Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and a clinical genetic counsellor in the Hereditary Cancer Clinic, both at the McGill University Health Centre. He has a special interest in service delivery models for hereditary cancer genetic testing, and psychosocial implications of cancer genetic testing.

Video Editor: Sylvia Foisy
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