Do you HAVE to give two weeks notice before quitting a job? 🧐 #shorts

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Two weeks notice isn’t always a rule 👀

Usually, when we think about quitting a job, we also think that means giving two weeks notice - but, do you have to do that?

Not always! You should absolutely look into your country’s laws, and your contract, but often it’s actually just an expectation and professional courtesy vs a true rule. Now, if you had a good relationship with your company and/or if you’d like them as a future reference, then you might want to go ahead and stick with the two weeks. But, if something comes up, or you don’t feel so inclined, you could probably leave sooner.

When we left our last jobs, we actually gave a full months notice, to make the transition process easier for the company. We weren’t in a rush with our new role, so we had that flexibility. So, it can go both ways!

Do you usually give two weeks notice when quitting a job? Let us know!

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I lost my job yesterday. I got "don't come for your shift later today" level notice.


I give two weeks notice if I was treated nicely.
If I was treated like shit, your notice was when I stopped showing up.


The only unrealistic part of this is the end where the manager is understanding


This poor manager is always having all these people quit on him lol


Amen! I'm here for my paycheck and development. If either one is lacking, it's time to move on to the next. I work to create the life I want.


"sorry, its my personal policy to not give 2 weeks notice"


I ghost my bad employers and give notice to the ones who’ve been kind to me. I regret nothing. Lol


I recently quit on Monday and asked for my resignation to be effective... immediately. Got sick and had a move coming up, so I just wanted to chill for a bit before my next job would start. Didn't feel bad though, it wasn't a great place, but felt so anxious doing it.


Meanwhile in germany everyones has to give a 3 month notice. Both employee and employer (employer even longer if you worked there for several years)


Sometimes the new job can't give you two weeks and want you in sooner. At that point you have to go with what the new bosses want and not the old ones. Happened to me once and I just said "Sorry new company needed me sooner than two weeks I wish all companies respected the 2 week rule" I basically cleaned my hands of it.


But when you get fired, do they ever give you a two week notice?


I gave 2 weeks notice when I changed jobs. My supervisor was so mad that I was leaving that she "fired" me the next day and said she'd pay me through the end of my notice - except she basically just paid me my earned vacation time which they'd have had to pay out anyway if I'd worked through the end of my notice. They shorted me almost 2 weeks of work with pay but I didn't have to work for that backstabber anymore, so it worked out. They'll do whatever they can to screw you, so plan accordingly. I contacted my new employer and they were thrilled to have me start early.


Honestly, the "2 weeks notice" thing is just absurd.
I've never heard of an employer giving 2 weeks notice to fire you. Yet, they'd expect that from employees?

If I ever decide to leave a job, I'm paying no regard to how much notice I give.


2 weeks notice should only be given to someone who showed you favor and who you would consuder working for again

If you were not treated well, taken advantage of etc then a one day notice should suffice


I always gave a todays notice like I quit today 😂


If you are moving away, going back to school, or possibly moving to a place interconnected with your current employer and there are no hard feelings, then sure give as much notice as possible.

But if you are quitting because they suck then slowly bring your personal items home. Write down any important phone numbers and contacts you may want. Bring back any company owned items and put them in your desk or locker. Then quit without any notice and any fashion you want. You definitely get points for style 👌

I have quit both ways. It just depends on the situation.


Honestly, I would be concerned if my new company was so short staffed that I couldn’t give my old company two weeks notice.


Employers will act hurt when you leave but will never offer more money to stay. Ever.


Hahahahaha "ah yeah, fair enough"... Said absolutely no boss ever


first job, gave a two weeks noticed. wasn’t scheduled my last week :/
