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Question Discussed in this video -
An amount of 12820 due 3 years hence, is fully repaid in three annual instalments starting after 1 year. The first instalment is 1/2 the second instalment and the second instalment is 2/3 of the third instalment. If the rate of interest is 10% per annum, find the first instalment.
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An amount of 12820 due 3 years hence, is fully repaid in three annual instalments starting after 1 year. The first instalment is 1/2 the second instalment and the second instalment is 2/3 of the third instalment. If the rate of interest is 10% per annum, find the first instalment.
For PDF visit our Facebook page and follow us on all our pages, the links are as follows-
Contact: +919873255357
#CAT2021#catexam2021 #cat2021preparationstrategy#catexam2021 #cat2021preparation #Onlinecat2021 #catsyllabus #cat2021
#CATCOACHING #CATONLINECOACHINGCLASSES #onlinecoaching #SNAP #snapexam #snapcutoff #snapexmapattern #snapcolleges #CET2021 #CETexameligibility #SNAP2021 #IIFT2021 #XAT2021 #TISSNET2021 #NMAT2021
#catquants #quantsstratergry #catquants-shortcuts #catdilr #DailyDILRpractise #dilrshortcuts #Catvarc #verbal #catvarcsyllabus #varcstratergy #parajumble #rc #rcshortcuts #varcshortcuts #MBA #whyMBA #MBA2021 #MBAcourse #MBACOACHING #topmbacolleges #mbaplacements #topb-school #mbacollegeranking #mbaprep #mbafees #mbalife #mbasalary #iim #iimentranceexam # iimcutoff #catstudyplan #catdailyschedule #GDPI #CatGDPIcoaching #CATaPultClasses #SharadMishra #Sharad #learn_with_us #crack_cat_with_us #cat #mat #xat #gmat #cet #cmat #iift #clat