How to Get to the Secret Invisible Chest in Whiterun (Part 2) Glitch / Cheat

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Step by step Guide to get the invisible secret chest in Whiterun (Part 2).

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The glitch does still work. I just finished completing the glitch a couple of minutes ago on the PS4 Pro using the remastered version of Skyrim running the latest update. I figured I'd let everybody know, because I noticed that some people were debating whether or not the glitch still works. It 100% does still work.


They may have finally patched for PS4. I can get on top of the wall, but I spent 10 minutes there jumping and running and no joy. Tried crouching, using different points of view, all that.
Edit: I got through using a technique in the same spot. Take a large item (I used platter from the jarl’s table, but someone else used a cauldron). Drop it, pick it up and hold it in front of you. Then run at the left side of the wall to the left of the barrel. Takes a few tries, just keep picking up the item when it drops, and using it to ram your way through that spot in the wall. Boom! Thanks for the video and instructions :)


There is actually a faster way to get out you enter whitrun and go to your left up the stairs and then keep following the path until you get to the flower circle then the house a little bit to the right you will walk up to the window and you'll fall out then just walk to the stream/Brooke at the opening gates and there will be a hole in the wall where you can just walk out of the city


This is one of few channels that actually has a mic that you can understand.


Hey ESO i get bored of Skyrim and new vegas but every time I watch your videos for new stuff i didn't even now was make me want to play it again....and in the end your saving me money having to buy a new doing more good than you ESO keep up the good work


If you have difficulty jumping over the wall in Whiterun, I've found it easier to use the plate glitch and walk through the wall on the end of Jorrvaskr next to the steps leading up to the forge.


Thanks for this vid. I found a much simpler way to do this. While ur on top of the barrel go into first person mode look at the opening and then jump. And then just keep on walking and jumping till you get out. I tried this way a few times and each and every time I did it worked


Love these videos!! They've helped a lot. I'm just wondering, are there any more chests, or is there going to be a 3rd episode? Thanks a lot!


There is also one outside solitude I have been using in the kahjit camp. If you crouch and scan the ground until you find a blue twig then wiggle your mouse around a bit then you will find it. It's just a bit of levelled gear and potions but they usually sell for a lot.


Bruh THANK YOUU Seriously you help out so much your playlist are never ending on how to get stuff keep it up yo 💯


In case nobody knew, theres also a chest accessible from outside Solitude. It seems like all Khajiit caravans have an accessible chest, and Eorlund Gray Manes chest is accessible.


I love how you kept saying Besidia instead of Bethesda!XD lol


I just pulled this trick off on the Switch version in 2021. The loot wasn't nearly as good as the video, but still worth it.


There's an easier way to get out, I find this way hard sometimes. One of the houses in Whiterun has a wall you can literally walk through.


I found a merchant chest in the blue palace by messing around, but it counts as stealing. It contains lots and lots and LOTS of spell books. Basically, enter the palace, and there will be a pair of stairs. Go adventure around and find a cauldron. Press and hold the interact key/ button to pick up the cauldron and walk over to the left stairs. If you position the cauldron perfectly in front of you, you can glitch through the floor. Walk along the narrow beam forwards and a chest is floating in mid air. You have to jump and grab it, but if you do, there are spells everywhere!


I’ve had thousands of hours in this game and this is the first time I’ve seen this way of doing it. Holy hell.


You can get outside of the city much faster if you use the plate glitch in which you run to a point in a wall while pressing a plate or bowl against it, this allows you to go through the wall, is much faster than the barrel jumping although a bit hard to get right.


Never noticed you were streaming as well, hopefully I'll be able to tune in sometimes.


In sure someone else has mentioned this but their a way easier way to get to the glitched chest in white run. On the north side of house gray-mane their is a glitchy wall (from the door, go right and it's the third weird wall that i think are suppose to be windows) usually walking into it (looking at it directly, you are facing south) has you glitch under neath the house. from their, take a right and walk (never run) towards the outer wall of white run. you will stop underneath the aquaduct near the entrance of white run, and walk towards a break underneath the wall, leading to where the barrel would have taken you.

It's a lot easier than making the jump from the barrel.


There a few more hidden chest in white run just do the wall trick get that first one and  you can keep running  around down there just keep jumping and running around underneath(may what to save a few times to be save)  and there is a chest by the market and one by the city gates I think that's it and I don't know if they respawn loot and walk al the way out ' surface ' or you will pop out and do it all over again .  Also Thank You to the ESO team you guys do great videos. 
