DartZone Max - Omnia Pro - Review

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That battery is available for $6 at walmart. (Hydro Strike Pulsar Pro. Same Battery.)


You hit the nail on the head with the expectations. I too was one of those who expected probabably too much, which led to my disappointment with the gen 2. Putting those expectations aside, for a full auto half dart blaster at $90 it does that part well.


It's nice that they improved it so much. For what its doing its pretty great. I gravitate towards the Stryfe-X because its single fire is more responsive, but its a great alternative for those who want select fire.


I feel like I will only get this if I want good full auto. For semi I can just use my MK3.


The Cap'n: going over this blaster in detail.
The bug on the counter at 2:26: TAKE COVER LADS, WE'RE IN THE GIANTS DEN!


Thank you Xavier for addressing the expectation many should've had. I've seen too many people sharing their disappointments about the Omnia not being "pro-grade" while it's clearly in the max line. DZ likely noticed the Omnia wouldn't meet pro standards so perhaps that's why it's in the max line.

Other arguments I've seen about the delay being unpractical are true however, the blaster technically works as advertised since crisp response time isn't advertised.

On paper I still believe the Omnia is of great value past it's flaws and impracticality in a tournament setting. Out in the park where the stakes are non existent, the Omnia is a great blaster.


I was burned on the first release returned and ordered the 2nd gen on black friday $60 deal. For the price I rhink its great ...but again expectations I would really like to see an evolution of the MK3 with a slimmer body, select fire, no trigger delay, and variable fps control. I know it would have a much higher price tag, but its what I really want


What a well thought out look at this blaster. Thanks for the info and you opinion as well. Keep up the great work.


I feel like some of the disappointment for me was also from their letter about the recall. They were ambiguous about what issues were being fixed so my mind went to "they are fixing ALL the issues we had with the blaster" which obviously wasn't the case. If the Gen 1 worked right off, I think the disappointment would have been less, especially with it being closer to the Stryfe X launch then.


Hey! Looks like the shop is a bit cleaner, looking good :)


It didn't charge with my lipo charger. It does hit a bit harder with a 2s, still waiting for my gen2 replacement tho. Got gen1 from Walmart & its terribly inaccurate


Once I get one of these I'm going to design a replacement pusher wheel with two tabs. The stock wheel uses a screw sticking out the top (side?) Of it to press the rotation control switch. I would also assume you could put a mosfet on the pusher motor and upgrade it to something like a Fang motor to get even faster response times and RoF


I'm hoping for a version that will be Hvz legal and as pro as it can get. Make me lay down my fdl3.


I only use my Omnia in full auto, easily snap off single shots, short round bursts and spray and pray! My biggest gripe was how inaccurate the first Gen was which I corrected with tiny o-rings on the front 2 posts the cage sits on. Got a replacement Gen2 (thanks DZ) and can now dual wield lol.


Captain, your point about this being a super stock line it is fairly easy to convert to HVZ levels and standard Hasbro blasters are if you find the correct one which suits your play style, perfect sidearms because of the inherently lower FPS. The nexus pro has one of the smoothest Priming systems I’ve ever experienced on any blaster including my Jurassic pro which has a direct prime seeing as it is connected to the pusher directly being bolt action. Sidenote, do you know of a kit for the retaliator which gives it slam fire and on a scale of 1 to 10 how easy would it be to convert the nexus pro to lever action, I have an idea of how to do it just want to know if I actually should do it, because with the mods I have, which is just a spring replacement it’s a pump, action rifle.


I am unlikely to be getting an Omnia but thanks for the video! It seems that the V2 has a lot of improvements. Bangarang!


I love both my Omnias (the original oops and the replacement) and two-fist them. An adjustable red-dot on the pic rail corrects the trajectory error of the first batch, and there is even an inexpensive one on Amazon that’s anodized red. With it I can practically shoot the head off a bee at 30 yards using the misaligned first Omnia. I know that Nerf has attempted off-the-shelf full auto in the past, but one needs at least 5-7 darts per/sec to replicate the feeling of a machine gun. So, with that qualification in mind, is the Omnia the very first off-the-shelf, sold in major stores, no modding required, foam dart machine gun?


It looks like a FDL 3 mashed together with a Momentum.


glad they fixed most of the problems, still hoping to see a max or pro lever action blaster in the future tho


I tried using the battery on my Worker Nightingale. The connection fit but I guess a Lithium Ion battery isn’t powerful enough to make it work
