Visual Basic Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners

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this series of lessons about the Visual Basic programming language. Bob Tabor from LearnVisualStudio.NET introduces the topic, sets expectations and tips on how to get the most out of this series, instructs you on where you can download the software you'll need to get started and offers some encouragement as you begin your journey.

Full course outline:

Mod 01: Series Introduction
Mod 02: Installing Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
Mod 03: Creating Your First Visual Basic Program
Mod 04: Dissecting the First Visual Basic Program You Created
Mod 05: Quick Overview of the Visual Basic Express Edition IDE
Mod 06: Declaring Variables and Assigning Values
Mod 07: Branching with the If..Then..Else Decision Statement
Mod 08: Operators, Expressions and Statements
Mod 09: For..Next Iterations
Mod 10: Creating Arrays of Values
Mod 11: Creating and Calling Simple Overloaded Helper Methods
Mod 12: While Iterations and Reading Data from a Text File
Mod 13: Working with Strings
Mod 14: Working with Dates
Mod 15: Understanding and Creating Classes
Mod 16: More about Classes and Methods
Mod 17: Working with Classes and Inheritances in the .NET Framework Class Library
Mod 18: Understanding Namespaces and Adding References to Assemblies
Mod 19: Understanding Modules, Scope and Utilizing Accessibility Modifiers
Mod 20: Enumerations and the switch Decision Statement
Mod 21: Gracefully Handling Exceptions
Mod 22: Working with Collections
Mod 23: Filtering and Managing Data in Collections using LINQ
Mod 24: Understanding Event Driven Programming
Mod 25: Getting Familiar with the My Namespace
Mod 26: Where To Go From Here

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Рекомендации по теме

love this tutorial, gave me a massive head start in my computer science class! Many thanks


5:08 01: Installing Visual Basics Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
24:44 04: Dissecting the First Visual Basics Program You Created
59:56 05: Quick Overview of the Visual Studio IDE
1:28:45 06: Declaring Variables and Assigning Values
1:55:55 07: Branching with the if... Then Decision Statement and Conditional lif Function
2:17:48 08: Operators, Expressions and Statements
2:30:42 09: For ... Next Iterations
2:42:24 10: Creating Array Values
3:00:26 11: Creating and Calling Simple Overloaded Helper Methods
3:16:10 12: While Iterations and Reading Data from Text Files
3:34:31 13: Working With Strings
3:59:07 14: Working With Data
4:12:51 15: Understanding and Creating Classes
4:45:36 16: Understanding Object Lifetime
5:53:49 17: Enumerations and the Select Case Decision Statement
6:14:50 18: Graceful Handling Exceptions
6:33:59 22: Working with Generic Collection, Object Internalizers and Collection
6:57:07 23: Filtering and Managing Date In Collections using LINQ
7:19:00 24: Understanding Event Driven Programming
7:50:12 25: The My Namespace


thanks for this! I'm the only person in my computer science class with 0 experience and appreciate all the help I can get!


guys he's done his best here be nice for goodness sake he's trying to help the noobs


This video is the best refresher since i have not been coding for 20 years.


I am a competent systems admin. I never really understood anything about programming until I saw your videos.


I want to thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I do have a suggestion. You could add timestamps to the video and to break up your modules. People can then just scroll through and navigate straight to the content they're looking for. Thanks again for the awesome free content!


I've learnt more in the first 4 hours than I did at 4 years in computer science at school


Thank you for this free tutorial and the effort you put into this.
It is very helpful
I try in Visual Studio 2019 and follow every step in this tutorial video
Very appreciated your effort god bless.


I watched first lesson yet. But i loved the way you teach already liked, saved and subscribed and will watch the complete course


Thanks a lot man.... I know various languages but no one has ever given me such deep to the earth info like u.... Great man


You are a great teacher I wish my country can have teachers like you, I am in South Africa, maybe we have few like you . Nice lesson me🤔


this has helped me a lot, its amazing the amount of effort you put in.


this video deserves many more likes and views..very helpful...thank you..


Listen, i am not even able to comprehend how easy you made it look and how much did you help me in my growth, but allow me to say something that nobody else said - and its a crime to leave that unspoken.
I am on a road of development that currently going through tableau, dax, vba, powerbi, . powerpivot and what not, diversifying and growing and this made me save so much preccious time without losing context.
You are also very pleasant and nice.

But the reason i ultimately decided to write this comment is - man, i love your clothes!


Thank you so much for the tutorial Bob! This the detailed, most comprehensive VB tutorial I found on YouTube.


I am benefiting a tonn from these delicately made tutorials, and am very appreciate all the efforts, thanks!


I'm not new to coding just this language so a lot of this isn't new to me but I've got to say you do a really good job explaining everything regardless. Some of it was slow and easy but it was worth watching the whole thing. One thing I must say though is this isn't just a tutorial to write VB but also how to use Visual studio which is nice but Visual Studio does a lot for you so if you are writing for example in just a text editor then a lot of this information wouldn't work. Like there is extra steps you need to take. (Edited to fix spelling error)


You are the perfect teacher, I like the way you are using your expressions, very clear and enjoyable.


Looks great, but the image distorts at 23 mins and before for about 5 mins. Can you fix this so I can see what's happening? Thanks
