Update NFL Concussion Settlement Appeal 9/1/2016

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Yesterday many news outlets reported erroneously that no appeal would be filed to the Supreme Court in the NFL concussion settlement.

In fact the estate of a former player did file an appeal.

If the objecting players family had let the deadline pass the first payments would have been issued about three months after the “effective date.”

Now payouts could be delayed for several months.

If you would like to be one of the first players to receive a payout - you will need a medical evaluation prior to the effective date.

No retired player can receive a money payment without a medical diagnosis.

If there's no medical diagnosis prior to the effective date – you will have to wait and see a doctor selected by the claims administrator.

This will continue to delay the a payout of your claim

In an effort to expedite claims and get the players the money they need as soon as possible.

We are advising players to seek medical evaluations prior to the effective date.

We at X1 Law would be happy to help you.

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