Enduring Love

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It is a love not born of ambition, excitement and attachment, but of a deeper recognition within you—a deeper resonance with Knowledge within yourself, the greater mind that God has given you to guide you, to protect you and to prepare you for living a greater life in the world.

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Experience the abiding presence, peace and certainty of Enduring Love!


This work changed my life. I am so grateful The Messenger brought this Gift to a struggling humanity.


"Here you look upon humanity with greater compassion and understanding..." This confirms my experience with the New Message from God. Humanity has great and valuable potential in the Greater Community. It would be a tragedy if it would be wasted.


In my religion, it is said meditating on "waheguru" will connect to supreme god, will that work according to you?


Look at any person and ask, "Are this person's needs being met?"


"This love is stimulated by true recognition of another, by true compassion towards others, by true empathy towards others." ... "It arises when you are following the deeper presence within you - the presence and the power of Knowledge." ...
"Knowledge is the source of enduring love."...
"You want to face the world with this great strength that God has given you - this great power to see, to hear and to know; to recognise others and to change your course, your direction, whenever that becomes necessary; to be free to do this; to be free to respond to those relationships that hold the greatest promise for you; to be free to receive guidance from Knowledge; to be free to follow Knowledge as your first and primary commitment in life."
"Be grateful that you have such a deeper nature. Be grateful that God has spoken again, for God has given humanity what it cannot give itself, and will reveal what humanity cannot see itself, and will clarify the reality of your deeper nature and your true purpose in the world at this time".


Isn't there is any quick alternative to acess knowledge instead of waiting for 1 year.
