8 Hour Deep Sleep Meditation How Good Can it Get? Isn't It Wonderful? (Delta Binaural 432hz 963hz)

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How good can it get?

Isn't it wonderful?

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

By accident I came upon this powerful combination and it has created lightning in a bottle. It is a short set of questions. I learned the power of How Good Can It Get from Cynthia Sue Larson and the Isn't It Wonderful technique by Neville Goddard. By asking these questions in this combination it creates an exponential on ramp in your imagination to create and live within the most amazing realities. When doing this while sleeping it awakens your divine imagination within and you begin to find wonderful potentials in the field of possibilities available to you. Wonderful miracles await you down the road when you program these questions into your consciousness. Often times questions can be more powerful especially entering sleep.

Please tell me in the comments just how good it can get! Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Intro 00:00
Meditation Begins 2:50
Affirmations Begin 16:13

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule

Music By Mettaverse/epidemic sound
appeased soundscape 11
mystic dawn
first light
infinite light
love becomes us
inner worlds
heaven of indra
1111 portal
963hz a thousand petals
pure love emanation
pure love energy
deepest sleep music
deep sleep heal the subconscious
boundless deep delta
2hz deep delta binaural
deep dreams

🌎 Connect with Mettaverse!

#sleep #wonderful #lawofattraction
Рекомендации по теме

To anyone who reads this, it'll only get better from here. Your prayers have been answered and everything you desire is already yours. 🙏🏻❤️


Today my son was offered an exceptional job! We all prayed every day! We were heard! I’m so grateful 🙏🙏🙏


During a hard time when I first learned about mindset I would ask over and over - Can it get any BETTER?? Can it get any EASIER?? IInstead of - Can it get any worse


I wake up feeling amazing every time I sleep with one of these on


I have been your channel for long now. After being away from social media even YouTube i came this meditation yesterday and i decided to listen.. as i listen i visualized my desire and i kept asking just "how good can it get" to myself over n over. I didn't sleep with the meditation but in the morning i decide to listen again and i asked the same question to myself and i decided lets see how good it can get. Took a shower went to the immigration office with no appointments and decided to ask about my residency and while at the counter with my earpods n this meditation playing, i asked and they told me your card is ready you can collect it now. I said to myself ooh wow its getting better lets see how good it can get. And now i have my residency... I can't be happy and. Thankful.... Feel encouraged guys


I'm so grateful for you, Brian! 🙏
Your voice, your presentation and also dedication to these meditation/affirmation videos make you my #1 here on Youtube. Thank you for all you do and share ❤


My deepest desire is to be 24/7 knowing that we are all one.


I feel as though you are truly assisting society thru the shift.


I woke up this morning from a powerful dream and I could see the world in such a different state then I had yesterday. The words were still playing softly in the background..."how good can it get? Isn't it wonderful? Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" ...tears rolled softly down my cheeks. Nothing in my circumstances had changed, but something had changed in the night, and as I looked around I was overwhelmed and filled with the deepest gratitude. I could see possibility and what indeed had come into my life. The magic of the world never ceases to amaze me. #brianscottwonderful for making these and putting them out into the world 🙏🌎🙏


Fell asleep to this a woke up to $1500 worth of stuff at my complexes dumpster. Adjustable dumbbells up to 50lbs, a high quality weight lifting bench, a beautiful chair, and an electric bike that has everything except a back tire. Feeling blessed, thank you Brian


Oh my Goddess/God/LIFE Thank you thank you thank you 🙏 felt so much increasing incredible momentum that I broke through the glass ceiling and I am in a different dimension or something WONDERFUL has happened and just when I think it just can’t possibly get any better….. THIS happens! I am so grateful for how WONDERFUL this feels & so grateful For You and sharing your personal experience with us! Finally life is showing me money 💰 really is only energy! Healthier than EVER before and so exited about the future! Early morning in London and I feel so Alive! Don’t have to work anymore but I have never been SO independent because I trust life and I study THIS all the time and I trust life to provide my next breath and in the same way I have never been wealthier! Something always happens and I am training to be a yoga instructor and taking creative writing classes! No more working in nightclubs or doing anything else I don’t want to!
Thank you thank you thank you BRIAN and ANGELS and all my spiritual guide friends who are more real than anyone believes & animals see them too! Thank you for animal guides also!
Blessings of peace ☮️ harmony, love, joy, prosperity and all your hearts desires manifest in perfect divine timing! You deserve it! Isn’t it wonderful?!? We just have to surrender and Trust! I knew this b4 but I KNOW it more than ever NOW‼️🌟💛🌟


I am going to buy my first home!! That's how good it will get!


Hi Brian. Just to report back, I've been listening to this meditation and I am weirdly feeling very grateful for everything thank you for shifting my energy into more gratitude ❤


Thank you thank you thank you Brian. I fell asleep to this last night. I had an amazing sleep. Today the bookings were flying for my business 😮 Feeling grateful. Love your work as always ❤ Thank You 🙏


I'm excited to try this one. I love the sleep meditations!


This is one of my favourite meditations of yours Brian!!! Thank you for creating another version of this. Im going to sleep to this tonight!!! Everything is amplifying by the day !!! My manifestations have just gone CRAZY amazing!!! <3 Thank you thank you thank you!!!! How good can it GET!!!??!!! <3


It is a comforting meditation... Creates a peaceful feeling..


Been listening to this one nightly for the last few months. Doors of opportunity have been serendipitously opening for me! It's been a lot more effective for me than the large sums money meditations for some reason, and I have tried all the variations.


You were suggested by a friend not long ago and I cannot get enough of your 8 hour sleep meditations. I’m so grateful for you❤ Thank You! Thank You! I wake to a complete shift in perspective, I’m open and full of gratitude 🤗


This was wonderful Brian. The quantum jumping videos are my favorite! What a difference the techniques have made on wish fulfilled while blending with my twin. First I did the water technique then I listened to one of your quantum jumping videos, then I turned off the light to go to sleep. Listening to this last night after doing the quantum jumping kept me in the wish fulfilled with visualization and activation. I stopped taking melatonin about a month ago because your 8 hour meditation videos have helped me sleep and am remembering my dreams again. Thank you Brian - your work is amazing. I learn a lot through your channel. Our brains are fascinating! Your research, explanations and references through different authors will give me a chance to read them myself. Also the music or mhz assists in sleeping. I utilize Elmer’s Neville Goddard channel too. Your explanation on quantum jumping and fire breathing helped so much for manifestation. I’m blessing every glass of water now too. 😊
Isn’t it wonderful is another Neville Goddard technique.
