Leeland - Carried to the Table

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Leeland - Carried to the Table

I believe firmly in the importance of sharing the amazing work that Christ is doing in our lives!

I try to do it regularly. check it out sometime!
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This song is the story of Mephibosheth from the book of Samuel. Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan and grandson of Saul. Both died in battle with the Philistines on the same day when Mephibosheth was but a child. After hearing the news, his nurse in a panic snatched him up to run away fearing the new king (David) would come after him and kill him which is what kings did. in the chaos Mephibosheth was dropped and crippled. He was taking to the outback away from David in fear for his life. Apparently some time had passed when David asked if anyone was left in the house of Saul that he could do good to. Again, this was opposite of what kings normally did. They always killed the decendents to keep them from rising up against them which is why Mephib was in hiding. But ... David had made a promise to Jonathan to always do good to the house of Saul so when he found out about Mephibosheth he went to get him. I am sure Mephib was terrfied thinking he was surely going to be executed but David, "Carried him to the table" and treated him like his own son. Underneath the table no one could see he was crippled. He was the same as any other son. With that in mind now look at the lyrics ... 2 Samuel chapter 9 Wounded and forsaken I was shattered by the fall, (1 Sam. 4:4) Broken and forgotten, feeling lost and all alone Summoned by the King Into the Master's courts (2 Samuel 9:4) Lifted by the Savior And cradled in His arms I was carried to the table Seated where I don't belong Carried to the table Swept away by His love (2 Sam 9:7-9) And I don't see my brokenness anymore When I'm seated at the table of the Lord I'm carried to the table The table of the Lord (2 Samuel 9:12) Gorgeous song and lyrics.


Evert time I listen, I think of how God carried my wife and I as He carried our 3 rainbow babies up to Him in heaven.


Wounded and forsaken
I was shattered by the fall
Broken and forgotten
Feeling lost and all alone
Summoned by the King
Into the Master's courts
Lifted by the Savior
And cradled in His arms
I was carried to the table
Seated where I don't belong
Carried to the table
Swept away by His love
And I don't see
My brokenness anymore
When I'm seated
At the table of the Lord
I'm carried to the table
The table of the Lord
Fighting thoughts of fear
Wondering why He called my name
Am I good enough to share this cup
This world has left me lame
Even in my weakness
The Savior called my name
In His Holy presence
I'm healed and unashamed
As I'm carried to the table
Seated where I don't belong
Carried to the table
Swept away by His love
And I don't see
My brokenness anymore
When I'm seated
At the table of the Lord
I'm carried to the table
The table of the Lord
I'm carried to the table
Seated where I don't belong
I'm carried to the table
Swept away by His love
And I don't see
My brokenness anymore
When I'm seated
At the table of the Lord
I'm carried to the table
The table of the Lord.


"I can't.... But He Can.... Thank you Father for seating me where I don't belong"


I lost my daughter 3 years ago, she was 41 years old and had battled a rare form of cancer for 22 years. This song reminds me of her and Our Lord carrying her to the table while she was so sick. I love this song!


Like Mephibosheth, helpless and paralyzed by sin, we are carried by grace to the table of the Lord Jesus Christ ( son of David ). An there we find a feast to sustain the sinner!


Who are we sinful, broken, fallen, rebellious people to be invited to come to the table of God? This table becomes for us the table of God's grace. If it were not for Grace where would we be?




The love of our blessed Savior— He invites us to come… His blood covers our sin and we are made over in His image.
Come… dine at His banqueting table and know He loves you perfectly and holds a place for you ❤


Oh, it makes me sad that unbelievers will not experience his grace and love. This song reminds me how forgiven I am, which is completely. Praise the King!


To God be the honour and glory forever


Leeland, if you had never written anything else (although I am glad you have!), if you never write anything again, this song (the word 'song' sounds too small), to me, would be enough to satisfy a life's work. Thank you, so much, for this. It's metaphor speaks volumes about reality, and brings one back to the Supreme Reality. I know, One Day, its importance and value will fade, but for now, for this journey, it provides great rest for this weary traveler. Now I can pick up and continue to Follow...


I was in such filth, it's hard to imagine the depths of His Mercy. I felt He was ashamed to even look at me but I know now, He loves, Oh how He loves me. I am not worthy of this.


God and his love are so amazing. That He loved us and died for us while we were yet sinners. He didn't wait for us to come to Him. We were carried to the table 😄. Amen


To realize...He calls our name...He carries us...seated where I don't belong...I cry every time I hear this song. Everything vanishes...when I'm seated at the table of the Lord!


One of the songs among the amazing Christian artists that brings me to tears. The Reality that I dont deserve to be at that table, but Jesus sacrifice, the Fathers love...The Fathers Grace... places me there.


i remember the time my class was going through a revival period and there was this one time in christian living where we were praying... and we proceeded to do so with such a thirst for god. people were crying, and praying and singing to the lord. and this song played. it was powerful.


I heard this sung at the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and I was floored. This is my song for the deepest of reasons. I had to look it upi and listen to the words again. This is me.


Esa se vuelve siempre el mejor lugar para renacer.!


I was in a road tariff accident on 18th May 2024 5:43 and a friend this.. it has been a refreshing song
