Exact 'Fast' Algorithm for the Maximum Independent Set Problem

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Here we give a "fast" algorithm for solving the maximum independent set problem for an arbitrary graph, which is NP-complete in this general case. The key to getting a much faster algorithm is to break the graph up into "classes" of vertices based on their degree, and recurse appropriately on each.
0:00 - Intro + Example
2:07 - Brute Force Algorithm
4:00 - Vertices of Degree 0 or 1
10:10 - Vertices of Degree at least 3
13:40 - Vertices of Degree 2
17:35 - Final Runtime
I am a professor of Computer Science, and am passionate about CS theory. I have taught many courses at several different universities, including several sections of undergraduate and graduate theory-level classes.
0:00 - Intro + Example
2:07 - Brute Force Algorithm
4:00 - Vertices of Degree 0 or 1
10:10 - Vertices of Degree at least 3
13:40 - Vertices of Degree 2
17:35 - Final Runtime
I am a professor of Computer Science, and am passionate about CS theory. I have taught many courses at several different universities, including several sections of undergraduate and graduate theory-level classes.
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