Γιώργος Νταλάρας - Η Μάνα Του Αλέξανδρου (Ζωντανή Ηχογράφηση στο Olympia)

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Τίτλος Άλμπουμ: Γιώργος Νταλάρας Ζωντανές Ηχογραφήσεις

Ζωντανή Ηχογράφηση στο Olympia

Μουσική: Γιαν. Μαρκόπουλου
Στίχοι: Π. Θεοδωρίδη

Στη Μακεδονία του παλιού καιρού
Γνώρισα τη μάνα του Αλέξανδρου
Μου ‘στησε κουβέντα στις εξοχές
Κι έκανε νυχτέρια με μάγισσες

Αχ Μακεδονία χιλιόμορφη
Γιατί κλαις και λιώνεις σαν το κερί
Έχω γιο μονάκριβο η καψερή
Κι έχει φύγει για την ανατολή.

Τον προσμένουν κίνδυνοι και χωσιές
Λόγια ανθρώπων μαύρα και συμφορές
Μοναχός τ’ αντέχει και τα περνά
Τελειωμό δεν έχουν τα βάσανα.

Στη Μακεδονία του παλιού καιρού
Γνώρισα τη μάνα του Αλέξανδρου
Στο φεγγάρι ψάχνει για μάγισσες
Στο όνειρο της φέρνει τους Έλληνες.

Βρείτε τον Γιώργο Νταλάρα στα social media:

#GeorgeDalaras #ZodanesIhografisis #IManaTouAlexandrou
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Εύγε ΓΙΏΡΓΟ, καλό Πάσχα σε όλους τους Έλληνες.


🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 LYRICS:
In Macedonia of old times
I met the mother of Alexander (the Great)
She started talking to me in the countrysides
and she used to spend nights and nights with witches.
She started talking to me in the countrysides,
and she used to spend nights and nights with witches.

Oh Macedonia with thousands beauties,
why are you crying and melting like the candle?
- "I have one and only son, me the fatestruck mother,
and he has left toward the East.
I have one and only son, me the fatestruck mother,
and he has left toward the East...

Dangers and hazards await him,
along with people's black words & calamities.
Alone he stands and overcome them all,
no end seem the tribulations to have.
Alone he stands and overcome them all,
no end seem the tribulations to have".

In Macedonia of old times
I met the mother of Alexander (the Great).
On the moon she still searches for witches,
in her dream she always recalls the Greek people.
On the moon she still searches for witches,
in her dream she always recalls the Greek people.- >>

As regards the big issue about the namegiving of "Macedonia" to a foreign slavian country at the northwestern borders of Greece:
That region used to belong in Former Yugoslavia. After the split of Yugoslavia the slavian region became indipendent and demanded to have as official name the greek name of Macedonia!
"Macedonia" literally and historically has been greek since its pure beginning of existance according to proven historical & archaeological records.
The word Macedonia itself is GREEK and means in GREEK LANGUAGE 'tall and thin'.
Similarly, Alexander means in GREEK LANGUAGE 'protector of men' and
the name of his father, Philippos, means 'friend of horses', as a simple & basic proof of the greek oriigin and identity of both region and name of Macedonia.
Macedonia is a 100% GREEK NAME and REGION, ACCORDING TO WORLD HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, LINGUISTICS and PHILOLOGY all over the 3000 yeras of its existance.
