Knitting a Flat Panel on the addi Express Kingsize Knitting Machine

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This video shows you how to knit flat panels using the addi Express Kingsize Knitting Machine.

Included is specific instruction on:
-Casting on for a flat panel
-Knitting flat/Plain knitting
-Binding Off

To see the video on How to Make a Hat in Less Than 30 Minutes, click below:

Hosted by Karin Skacel of Skacel Collection.
Skacel is the North American distributor of the full line of addi products.

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I am disabled because of Multiple Sclerosis, knitting with needles successfully is impossible for me . I’m hoping to have success using one of these machines some day . Feeling successful at something is food for my soul, I need to keep creating.


To those pretentious gits who say this isn’t “real” knitting- get off your high horse and have a think! I have used these with dementia sufferers, stroke survivors, or with arthritis. For people who have been knitters, it gives them a sense of purpose; it makes them happy to create again. Imagine being unable to do what you love, and suddenly you are shown a way you can still knit something simple, and make hats or scarves for family and friends again. Imagine having forgotten how to knit, and you turn the handle, and suddenly a flash of memory comes back and you remember and reminisce about knitting, even if only for a short while. My grandchildren love to use the Addi machines, and yes, I have taught them how to knit with needles as well. Anything that gets children creating is worthwhile. Anything that gives a resident of an Aged Care faculty purpose is worthwhile. We make hats and scarves for homeless... everyone is a winner. So don’t bung on about it not being real knitting. It’s as real as using a pair of needles.


This is a very good alternative to knitting, because knitting with ur hands take so much time. It’s crazy. People who say this is cheating, it’s ok if u got so much time to knit with ur hands but there are other people that just want to make their own personalized clothes. So respect everyone


I love my Addi Express Kingsize...I buy yarn on sale or from thrift stores and make winter caps to donate at the women's homeless shelter. They are always happy to get them and I am in SE South Dakota where winters can get brutal.


Thank you for demonstrating slowly so I could actually see what you were doing. I watched a few on baby hats and the knitters zoomed through. Whew!


I am hand knitting my first pair of socks, and while I LOVE knitting to relax and to have a sense of accomplishment, I think I’ll have to invest in one of these gems and rattle of socks of QUALITY that will last. What a terrific AND AFFORDABLE tool. Thank you for a terrific tutorial!!!


For those that say this is foolish!! I knitted for several years and had to stop due to crippling rheumatoid arthritis. This machine allows me to knit again. Even if people don’t have arthritis, it’s still foolish to call any time of craft done in any way, cheating.


I am so glad you pointed that out. I used to love embroidery, but developed carpal tunnel in both of my hands. Also, if you are more interested in design, texture, and fit than you are in the actual act of knitting, it’s perfect.


I can finally knit panels thanks to this video. I have watched so many and just couldn't figure it out. But this video has me knitting panels for sweaters, vest, blankets, and anything else that can use flat panels. Thank you so very much!!


Thank you for the demo. This is a huge time saver and I never considered doing a flat panel instead of making something circular. For those that have lots of time to hand knit, more power to them, but some of us have busy lives and need to save the time for really important things.


Made things at school but never made anything from this day so it's good to lean all over again as to watching what can get made .Thank you.


I think it’s brilliant I had one of these as a kid, it was one you did yourself an easy loom type my mum had always knitted and tried to teach me I didn’t have her skill but we would sit together making stuff. It isn’t any different then people who bake but use a machine with a whisk. If it helps you then use it. Stop making issues about items that makes life easy. Nobody is forcing you to use these items, choices are up to you. If it make it easy for you and keeps you happy and active then sod the rest who have nothing better then to moan.


That was amazing! I have a knitting machine that I got for Christmas last year and it is still in the box. Now I can make something.


Never in my hole ife seen a machine like this to do all this work its so good to see you doing all this work well doe to you. THANK YOU.


Hello, I can watch your videos all day! Just purchased the Addi Express Kingsized knitting machine. Great video with lots of really fantastic info. Thank you.


A little tip: you can indeed get rid of the little tab. Instead of letting the black needles at the end grab the yarn on the first round, have the yarn hook onto the red beak-shaped thing after the last white needle and from there, feed the yarn into the yarn holder thing. Then just turn the handle like normal. Bam. No more tag.


Ty for this I anxiously waiting my Christmas gift 🎁😄🤣, learning all I can


I think these are great machines! I can only knit straight this is perfect for me!


The best video I've seen on flat panel knitting. Thank you. I haven't tried flat panel knitting yet but today is the day!


Wowwww this is my first time in life that I am watching an actual knitting machine it's so amazing I want to have one 💋❤️🌺💋🇵🇰
