Responses To Questions Asked On The-Great-Work.Org Forum - Dr Mike Mew

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"You want someone to fix you. Im not here to fix you, Im here to help you fix yourself." well said Mew.


My mouth used to hang open when I fell asleep and it used to dry up my throat and I kept waking up in the middle of the night. But after 6 months of mewing, I can keep it closed with no problem. This is literally the best thing that is happening to me right now.


It’s not all about jawline and hollow cheeks. There are many other factors like eye shape and the size of your facial features in relation to each other. Then there is head shape and hairline...There are so many intangibles. Some people with sharp jawlines just aren’t that beautiful so lets not get carried away with this being the key to beauty. Very interesting though it is.


What is the difference between someone in the 20-30 age range and 30 and over. If you did the same things at 30 and over wouldn't you get the same results?


20:06 they put brackets on me for like a week, only in the top row of teeth (they were gonna put the second row a month later) they said the top row was almost pefectly straight but they wanted to put brackets to correct the slight imperfection, i couldnt even bite bread with how painfull it was


Children don't care for their looks till it's late and they are already on their late teens or 20s, many parents are oblivious and don't care to put the effort into raising their own kids, let alone care about facial beauty and health... We care most... Dr. Mew please put us first, the damaged ones, the ones who had extractions, the ones who had dental botched works.... Depression and missing teeth and an ugly face is very real


Thank you, ,opening my eyes, , and closing my mouth.


When this is proven to be true by outside and objective sources, they better give the Dr. Mews a Nobel Peace Prize.


I am very grateful you are willing to put so much extra time in answering our questions.


We believe in you and us of all the people you've influenced so far. Upward and onward !


It's really sadden to see that you're almost single handly making this revolution. What you're accomplishing you and your father takes a lot of courage and dedication. You guys have my respect


"One day, I'm gonna take, *pause* a coupla skulls" = brilliant out-of-context quote.


19:10 "people dont taking personnal responsability for their healthcare" well you're right, but WHERE does it come from ? When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you something, he often doesn't explain HOW it works, why you should do that, and why he proposes you this treatment, like instead of an other. Even when I ask questions they stay really superficial and dont want to give me the whole info. They often dont even ASK me if i do agree with what they're going to do to me, with what risks etc. (I even had brackets with elastics that ended up dislocating my two temporo-mandibular joints, having pain for years before one specialist was able to identify that)

It's only after when I do my own research that it makes sense. I don't know why they don't want you to be part of your healing.


"People not taking responsibility for their own healthcare." "I'm not here to fix you I'm here to help you fix yourself."

Please excuse the vulgarity but I fucking love these quotes. They're so on the money and there's so many layers to that discussion from all sides of the debate that one could put a youtube channel together to focus on just discussing that as it's such a prominent issue and it needs addressing.

Every health issue I've looked at I've noticed a massive tendency towards people blaming anything but themselves for their problems. The typical argument is "genetics", and they use that to absolve themselves completely of the situation they are in. This is understandable, and the medical industry does it just as much as their patients do but it needs to stop, it's mentally leaving people as nothing more than victims of circumstance with no ability to change their situation, and frankly, that's just not true. We are all constantly adapting to the things going on in our lives, and we are never in a fixed state, we always have the power to improve. (I'm talking generally here, not about more specific types of afflictions.)

Everyone here watching these videos has way more power than you give yourselves credit for, and certainly more than the medical industry gives you credit for. You directly or indirectly create the body you live in, and though many of the factors involved are hard to quantify within the confines of laboratory settings, that doesn't make it any less true.

The information Dr Mew talks about gives us the ability to start fixing a major fundamental component of our physical and mental well being, but it is up to us to apply it and to improve ourselves. No doctor can truly gift us with great health, they can only patch it up when it's bad. It is up to us and us alone to address the health issues we have. That's a wonderful thing, so embrace it and get working.


Most of the questions were dumb. They should have asked for tips on how to do the exercises better.


My parents probably let me to fuck with my appearance. I always notice that I have something wrong with my face since my 12's...
They always tell me that I didn't have anything that it would be better... And not, it just got worse.
Now I'm seeing it with more than 33 years old to discover that yes, I was getting deformed but no one could help me because they though that it was ok... everyone even girlfriends... They won't have the knowledge that this was a deformation. At front I seem normal and for some people, handsome, from profile I'm a mess...

I just wanted to back in time and correct it there... it's so sad that I have spent my own life feeling a freak and my close one's not telling me that... just telling me that I was a good looking face...comparing me with Sephiroth, Alucard, Lestat, etc... man that is really sad that I'm auto conscious about it since ever and can't do nothing to help me in the right age...


Mew is actually really funny and eccentric :)


blown away. mike you have confirmed all my thoughts over the last 20 years and made me realise im not completely mad 10:30


Dr Mew probably has the best jawline I have ever seen, and it speaks in his favor. Literally)


im from india and you r doing great work pls stay enthusiastic
