Arduino example knock! #arduino #examples #piezoelectric @VinVout

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Hey buddies, Here I am showing you the Arduino example Knock sensor.
By changing the threshold values we can change the sensitivity of our piezoelectric sensor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
#piezo #knock #sensor #vertical #threshold #pressure #microcontroller #example #project #how #howto #howtouse #easy #resistance #1minutevideo
piezoelectric | Arduino | sensor | arduino ide | ide | coding
By changing the threshold values we can change the sensitivity of our piezoelectric sensor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
#piezo #knock #sensor #vertical #threshold #pressure #microcontroller #example #project #how #howto #howtouse #easy #resistance #1minutevideo
piezoelectric | Arduino | sensor | arduino ide | ide | coding
Arduino example knock! #arduino #examples #piezoelectric @VinVout
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