A queer Mohawk minister balances Christianity and Longhouse spirituality | Devout + Out: Susan

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Susan navigates her identity as a queer Mohawk minister as she finds herself nominated for the position of Moderator of The United Church of Canada. #CBCShortDocs #Devout+Out

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Susan lives on a fine line between cultures and expressions.

She is Kanien'kehá:ka (also known as Mohawk).

She is an open lesbian.

She is a United Church minister at the Grand River United Church.

Despite balancing these diverse identities, Susan radiates peace and thoughtfulness. She is living out a new expression of faith in the somber face of the church’s abusive history toward Indigenous and queer individuals.

Susan grew up on Six Nations territory, experiencing a joyful childhood that included the best parts of community, surrounded by family and friends. But she was also formed by her family’s trauma in the wake of residential schools. It wasn’t until she was in her 20s that Susan was able to see the complicated effects of oppression and internalized racism, and began to process what it all meant to her.

Susan knew she was gay at the age of seven — she also knew that it wasn’t safe to tell anyone. But when her friends started dying of AIDS in the 1980s, Susan realized it was important for her to be out, visible and proud.

Now, Susan has been nominated for Moderator of The United Church of Canada — the most senior elected position in the national church.

In the lead up to the election, she reflects on how slowly the Church has moved in its reconciliation efforts with Indigenous people, as well as with queer people. It’s clear to Susan that the church can do a better job, and she feels called to be part of that movement. Susan accepts the nomination and steps into the spotlight as the council votes.

As the church and Indigenous people continue to heal, Susan hopes that the teachings of love, compassion, respect and kindness will shape new generations of people to be good to one another. In one hand, she holds her Longhouse faith and Indigenous traditions. In the other, she holds a firm belief that there is goodness at the core of the Church.

The point, she says, is to bring people closer together.

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this was so beautiful, she spoke into my life so much like living a childhood in both heaven and hell wowowo like I cannot wait to sit and eat with this woman in heaven, reconciliation is the way, she speaks truth and love


Thank you so much for sharing your story with such beauty, grace, and strength. I deeply appreciate your courage in speaking so transparently about your life, who you are, and your faith. There is so much we can all learn from hearing about your experiences with racism and homophobia in Canada. Thank you so much and sending much love your way <3


As Christians, we are called to love all people, and I do. I treat everyone with love and kindness, no matter their gender, and sexuality. I love them, and God loves them. But I don't understand how you can call yourself Christian if you don't follow God's teaching. The Bible specifically states that marriage was meant to be between a man and a woman, and anything outside of that is a sin. If these people read the Bible, they should know that it's a sin. Either they don't read the Bible, or just choose to ignore it. Either way, you aren't really a Christian if you don't read the Bible, or pick and choose what values you want to live by. It's all or nothing. You can say you're a Christian, but you're not. I believe you can still love God and believe in him, but you don't fully trust in him if you ignore his teachings. He's not really a part of your life. But don't get me wrong, God still loves them. He still cherishes each of them, and will always love them. But they aren't showing him love in return, they are dismissing his teachings and ignoring them. As Christians, we are called to love everyone. And so I do. The sad thing is, is that some people call themselves Christian, but they hate on LGBTQ people. They aren't Christians either, if they continue to do it on purpose. Even though we may not agree with the LGBTQ views, we still are called to love them. They are still God's children, as we are. Most Christians now are judged based on the actions of those homophobic "Christians", even though we are different than them. I feel really bad for people who have come across those people, that's not what a Christian is supposed to do. That's not what Christanity is. They should be welcome in Church, just like everyone else. We are all sinners. Who are we to judge them, when we sin as well? We should love them, just as we love everyone else. They should be welcome in Church, of all places. Of all people, Christians should be the ones who show love to LGBTQ people. Just because we disagree on views doesn't mean we have to show hate. It's not our job to try to convert them by waving a bible into their face. We can't change people. We can only show them love, and hope they come to Christ one day.


Of course her mom isn’t to blame. It’s colonization that’s to blame.


My name is Jonathan the older brother of the young man you see in the pic but feel in my heart to share this. We must not sugar coat God's word, sin is sin! Many Ministers will be held accountable for the many souls they preached to due to not preaching to them the entirety of the word of God to not offend and will be judged and their blood will be on their hands. If you are a Minister of the gospel and you are reading this, you once preached the word of God the way it is written but have fallen away, repent and get back to preaching the truth and what God called you to do no matter the cost for Jesus Christ. God bless you, I love you.


The bible is all will be known by your


Is this a parody? Christianity and sodomy do not mix.


People changing the word of GOD to fit their life style. Not the life GOD told you to live.


Hard to belive this day in age, people still think there's some sort of magical sky-wizard...;/


She forgot to say in Jesus Name, Amen!