Govs Write FG On Plans To Establish Outfit

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nigeria govt have fail, i am in full support south people and every state should have their private security


What the FG is trying to do is to blunt the effectiveness of regional security initiatives like Amotekun. FG running the community policing will produce the same result as NPF. The problem has never been that the NPF never got information but that Buhari and his ethnic cabal in the security agencies never act!! Did these killings start today ffs??! Have fulani herdsmen not been attacking farmers, communities, peoples heritage??! Banditry thrives bc the govt continuously failed to deal with issues once it affects their ethnic people. To the extent that heads of security agencies sound like spokesmen for the bandits, herdsmen and marauders. This regional initiative should be sustained to ensure justice, equality and peace is restored to all within each region. FG has woefully failed on this. Life has no duplicate, no time for playing games.


What is the matter with Muhammadu Buhari's Government?
The country is dying because the Government which should be run as a true Federation at which responsibility of governing can be shared by the component parts; but Buhari is insisting on running as Unitary State engaging largely incompetent hands from a narrow section of the State!
Let the states manage their own policing/vigilante and the Federal should manage the Federal Police.
The States know what is best for them according to their peculiarities. It should not be the duty of the Federal to dictate how state security should be staffed and even funded.
AMATEKUN cannot and should not include the AK 47-gun carrying and indiscriminate cattle grazing Fulani as members; just because they live in the state.


Mr. Journalist, what has Omotekun got to do with Coronavirus or any other virus?. I don't know what the curricular in media training centers today are.


Mr Gimba ...are you a Nigerian or a visitor?
where have you been all this time?


How can the government speak of funding community policing when they have not funded the current federal police?


BUHARI is not talking about adequate preparations against a possible invasion of the corona virus that is ravaging the world
It doesn’t make sense to say that people should isolate themselves

After all what does an Hausa Fulani man know or care about things like that

The house should urgently discuss this very serious issues and begin to set up isolation units all over the country before we begin to run from pillar to post as we are always known to do


Faulty questioning: comparing the Boko Haram and coronavirus threat. They lack comparison and downplays security threat from Boko Haram, notwithstanding the safety threat from coronavirus. Stop romancing Boko. Poor Journalism!!


Thank you FG. Don't fund community policing for us that you will control like you control the army and NPF. Let the regional governors who are chief security officers for their states do their own thing thank you!


We have so many fool's in Igbo Land, it's a shame


The Topic should be should there be an Isba police? that should be the division


U forget Johnson, that the northern Muslim have their own security police, all Hausa fulani members, is their any igbo or Yoruba man or other ethnic groups in Niagara are the members of the Muslim security guards in northern part of the country?


We can not wait for the constitution as the constitution has failed and the federal government does not respect it. The states should set up their own police. Kano has it.


Na wa for you Mr journalist! What sort of journalism is this. You are not even making sense and you won't even let them make meaningful contribution. I'm just disappointed


This channel guy need to be stoned on the street for trying to manipulate
