Laravel Report: 2-Level GroupBy with Dynamic Columns

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Today I'm answering a question from an email, trying to group the data with two conditions.

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Level two ‘group’ and ‘where’ are seems like untouched from my end. Thank you for sharing new content 🎉


I've not known the 2-level two ‘group’ and ‘where’ until I saw this video. Thanks for your gem.


Thank you for another class, Povilas! Appreciate it!


You deserve a million subscriber in quick. So much good content and understanding.


Thank you for another class. I would like to suggest that you discuss inheritance in Laravel, as it is a topic that isn't commonly talked about. Specifically, I'm interested in knowing the best approach between single table inheritance and multi table inheritance.

One common scenario where this arises is when you need to separate two records that have almost all the fields in common, but with a few differences. For example, let's consider a table for Animals, with specific records for Cats and Dogs. These two entities share most of the fields, but have a few distinct ones. In such cases, would it be better to split them into different tables and utilize scopes using the foreign key for animal, or keep them in one large table and use a column type?


Hello Povilas, hope you are doing well.
My question is not related to this tutorial but payment.
So, is it secure to create a payments table and store the chargeID, status, amount currency and of course userID in this table during the payment process (for a single charge) in order to retrieve chargeID to refund?
