BDO 2024 - Evasion Build Crystal Presets - Post DR Rework/Spec Atk Eva Removal

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Not an end all be all but some ideas given special attack evasion removal, DR rework, and the below reddit post regarding PvP Damage calculations.

08/30 Update - One of the major assumptions I made in this video ended up being wrong. Essentially human damage does factor into the DR check but not exactly a 1:1 ratio. Please check out pinned comment in comment section below. TL/DR: Evasion builds are still accurate due to human damage limitations, DR builds may slot in RBF Vipers/Glorious Olucas since you can be confident that you pass the DR check in most situations.

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TL/DR: I was wrong about the AP vs DR interaction but in an evasion build will continue to value strict AP vs human damage. However when it comes to my DR builds that I touched on later in the video I think it's safe to assume that you can bypass most people DR check with 5 debo+nouver so then RBF Vipers, Glorious Olucas will be more of a priority.

For example, let's assume the defender is hard cap DR player at 800 DR (easily obtainable with 1 Cadry DR build). Let's say you have 700 AP or 750AP. How much human damage is needed to pass the DR check in this situation? Let's call human damage (HD) variable X.

Scenario 1: 700 AP vs 800 DR

1) 700 AP + X HD - 800DR < 700*(.05)
2) X HD - 100 < 35
3) X HD < 135

In this situation you would need more than 135 human damage to pass the DR check. If you had say, 100 human damage baked in your build, you'd fail this DR check and the human damage you have will be ignored.

Scenario 2: 750 AP vs 800 DR

1) 750 AP + X HD - 800DR < 750*(.05)

2) X HD - 50 < 37.5
3) X HD < 87.5

In this situation you would need more than 87.5 human damage to pass the DR check (47.5 less than the above). If you had 100 human damage, you'd pass this DR check and the human damage you have will be additive to your total damage.

Conclusion: Does the above conclusions change how I would build my crystals? Short answer, maybe for my DR builds, but unlikely for my evasion builds. Why? It comes down to how much human damage is available through crystals and artifacts. Excluding buffs, addons, and niche builds that run C20 Kzarka/Dande if you use RBF Vipers x 2 (20 HD), Red Spirit x 2 (6 HD), RBF Carmae's x 2 (16), Glorious Olucas x 2 (14), the Wilds: Human Damage (24) = 80 human damage. Factor in all species damage of +28 the maximum amount of total human damage that iI've found possible is 108. With buffs such as harmony (+11 HD) or Indignation (+25 HD) the highest level would be 133 human damage. Most evasion build's total AP caps out around 700 -- and hybrid well below around 650-670. Prior to this knowledge, I'd run RBF Vipers/Glorious Olucas in those hybrid builds. But definitely that is no longer the case. I appreciate all the feedback and for catching my error, just shows that my channel is attracting like minded people.


I learned so much from this video. Never knew how important knowing this stuff was in pvp.


Listen to this man, he knows what he's talking about!


this is guide i looking for, you explained it so well.


Just wanna add that the human damage will help you overcome the breakpoint. So for example 600ap+50humandmg vs 649dr would still break trough the enemy dr. You just have really low dmg still as you attack with 1 AP. If it would be 600ap +48human dmg vs 649DR yes the human dmg is ignored as you are under the breakpoint anyway. So rbf viper would be really good option as they give 10 humandmg per crystal.


Hi, thats not what the doc says, it says that if AP + HD - DR is same/less than AP*5%, HD dosnt count and ur dmg will be calculated as AP*5% instead, but HD helps to break the DR the same way that AP does, so dosnt matter if u use AP or HD if u break his DR and its greater than ap*5%, and if u dont break his DR u want to stack AP cause HD will be useless

Example from doc owner
700 AP + 0 HD Attacker vs 800 DR Defender (700+0-800 is lower than 700*5%)
700 AP + 100 HD Attacker vs 800 DR Defender (700+100-800 is lower than 700*5%)
700 AP + 150 HD Attacker vs 800 DR Defender (700+150-800 is greater than 700*5%)

1 and 2 will deal the same damage (35), while 3 will deal greater damage (50)

Anyways i dont know if we should trust a random reddit post calculations


Great vid, very helpful. Would you mind linking the source material for the AP/DR interactions?


Excuse me, how do you get 100+ DR vs Musa with Same Crystal Setup and Same full set Armor TET ? I have full buff on too ( church, tent, vell ) can't reach this DR . I look you have 2 DR melee artifact but where are the other 100+ DR if we run the same build ?


is full ap + human dmg viable ? like 870 PA PVP with 500 dr.


What do you think about the last global lab change down smash on succ mystic ?


Human damage ceasing to work if your AP is lower than their DP seems like a pretty big claim.

Any source?

Because if thats true:
650ap and 110 human damage
will deal the same damage as
651ap 0 human damage
If the enemy has 660 dr


I mostly pve play succ zerk is it okay to tag striker with dr glove and shoe? Specifically in end game spots ulikita and odraxia spots


is there a hidden AP in macalods? I calculated the total ap and it only give +12. tried it in game with and without, still 12


i know nothing about this... just got crystals in storage.. been playing 2+ months...


bro how many days you have you have all gear in the game


I thought this game already dead after the greatest guild in the world was disbanded. 🤔


Heh travesty en español son los hombres gay qué se visten de mujer jajaja qué buen nombre tienes amige
