Bruised Theresa May seeks Brexit help from Brussels

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Britain's weakened Prime Minister Theresa May arrived in Brussels on Thursday to lobby European leaders for help after she survived a parliamentary mutiny that highlighted the deadlock over Brexit. Lauren Anthony reports.

Embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May is in Brussels to meet EU leaders, just hours after surviving an attack to her leadership from within her own party.

200 Conservative lawmakers backed her in the secret vote, but 117 dissented - angry at the terms of her Brexit deal.

The mutiny by more than a third of her lawmakers means there is little room to celebrate - as a divided parliament heads towards deadlock.

"I've also heard loud and clear the concerns of those who didn't feel able to support me and I know the concerns there are in the House of Commons about this issue of the backstop and that they do not want it to be permanent. And what I'll be talking to European leaders about here today is about what I think is, we need to get this deal over the line."

On Thursday, May will ask European Union leaders for help to break the impasse.

The bloc says they might consider reassurances over the highly contested Irish backstop issue, according to a draft document seen by Reuters - but they stand defiant - saying they are done negotiating, and that the terms of the deal won't change.

May delayed a parliamentary vote on her Brexit deal on Monday - as it became increasingly clear that she would lose.

The delay bides the prime minister some time but if she can't win over her EU counterparts - her efforts will likely stagnate further.

May could still be ousted as leader - though she has conceeded that she will quit the role before the next general election.

With Brexit D-Day just a few months away, the political stalemate leaves the UK's post-exit status hanging in the balance.

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Good question, why she is still going to Brussels, when they already said there will be no renegotiation?


Look at them all laughing at ordinary people who actually believed democracy had won.


Traitorous May needs to vacate number 10 Now! 🇬🇧


Well, what did she expect?
They've already said No cherry picking and no more negotiations on the deal.
What part of that sentence don't people understand?


May is running back to Brussles with good news


Why can't the UK just leave, trade will sort itself out as it always does when there is money to be made. The current UK approach is completely negative, after all it's in the EU's interest if the UK is going to leave to have some sort of deal in place. I'm sure that a positive leader like Thatcher would say to the EU, look, we have no option but to leave so unless we have a better deal there will be no deal at all.


Why go to Brussels to complete Brexit, just leave, what's going on May? are you crazy?


She should stay in the state of Belgium. Britain will select a leader soon. Then it's all change.


What does democracy stand for sweat F.A


She should be going to the USA to get trump to put tariffs on German cars and come back and go WTO with 10% tariffs on german cars. Then wait for the squeals


This is what we should do if EU doesn't give us a decent deal...
1. Don't pay EU a penny from right now. Their budget deficits are ballooning
2. Cut UK corporate tax rate to 3% to screw Ireland, Luxembourg and Holland.
3. Declare that no UK NATO payments are used to defend continental Europe.
4. Nuclear deterrent trident not to be used to defend continental Europe.
5. Uk to improve ties with Russia and Turkey. Time to go rogue.
6. We turn the UK into a massive Panama/Cayman Islands. The new low regulation, tax haven of Europe.


90% of global trade is wto
All U.K. trade with US and China is wto

In the telegraph recently they said
“Trade between the EU and the US, and British trade with America – with whom we have no trade deal – has grown, whereas British trade with the EU, despite the single market, has fallen. Doesn’t this suggest that what matters is not any trade agreement, but trade itself?”

No need to fear wto, their will be an extra hurdle for meat Possibly but it’s electronic these days. It’s likely the Eu don’t want U.K. free trading. But they can’t stop it ! The only business of business is business.

U.K. needs to leave long term anyway as globalism is entering the onset of first world revulsion. A little discomfort now so what?

This Irish backstop thing has to go or its wto - so I hope it’s wto. All sensible people know there’s no need for a hard border, it’s distraction and divide and conquer military strategy from Eu.

The legal advice (unpublished to public) but explained by the marvellous Mogg is that U.K. don’t have to pay if wto / no deal. That’s a 39-70 billion saving.

It’s the best outcome for the long term anyway. I think it’s gotta go that way but the globalists are pulling all dirty strings to make a proper as voted for Brexit out of Sm Cu ecj and Eu migration compact go away. That’s my opinion. True Brit’s are fighting the Eu for their next generations. The brexiteers know they have to act now.


I really want to see her laughing and joking with that eu bunch.... is she stabbing the uk in the back???


If all else fails run down the clock . If all else fails run down the clock .
If all else fails run down the clock . If all else fails run down the clock .
If all else fails run down the clock . If all else fails run down the clock .
If all else fails run down the clock . If all else fails run down the clock .
When the clock run out blame the opposition . Ta dah .


There is no one in the English government working for England, is there


I dont know who or what this brexit is, but why she attempt when people have already decided to withdraw from it


We need Trump to makes us an offer we can't refuse


The UK has no other option to leave without a wrong deal or the British Pound cant survive and the British people have to pay the price. Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and Scotland should leave the UK - it´s time that they should learn how to take back control of own country!🐱‍🚀🐱‍🚀🐱‍🚀


When we leave on no deal W T O terms, will the EU 27 want to negotiate separate individual deals for their goods / products rather than maintain W T O trade, ? If so will we compromise and give them good deals?


