Niche Storymode episode 31-The Battle on Dukduk-Prinu's Sacrifice Island

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The first ever real battle of the playthrough occurs as the green line, including Elko, continues to chase the red-blue-yellow line siblings through Dukduk's Death Crossing onto the tiny island that Mememe once raised her children on. Though called different names by the two different sides, this island, and battle, is sure to hold a significant place in each of their histories. Before crossing over, Elko gave permission to Nokirvan to mate the unconscious Mita in case they all die, so there will be an heir who will hopefully be able to be a mate for her son. Prinu makes the crossing and tells his siblings to run. Roprino purrs for him and they run for their lives. Miisla has a breif fight with Elko before being persuaded to follow the rest of her siblings. With Elko and her loyal siblings gone fighting a battle, the rest of the inhabitants of Nuvan's Island, (including Prinu and his family) decide to make a run for it, hoping to escape before Elko gets back. They debate whether to leave behind Elko's son and heir or bring him, thwarting her plans. Some perfer to kill him, though the breeding female of the pink-blue line, Reel, protects him. Meanwhile, on Yellow Line Island Rokir and Nuno have a heart to heart father-son talk and forgive eachother, and Vanduk is finally properly buried. At Rekoana's-Bearyena Island, Takulur and Talenel return home and a family is reunited, but Ralala and Takulur are still mad at eachother. Loelana also has the second ever bearyena hybrid baby!
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