Would Intelligent Aliens Undermine God? | Episode 407 | Closer To Truth

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Whether extra-terrestrial intelligences exist has profound implications for human religion. We are either alone or not alone in the universe, but no matter the ultimate answer, theists and atheists will each mold that answer, alone or not alone, to fit their opposing worldviews. Featuring interviews with Steven Dick, Russell Stannard, Paul Davies, Robin Collins, and Douglas Vakoch.

Season 4, Episode 7 - #CloserToTruth

Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

#Religion #Aliens
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I've found this channel a couple of weeks ago and.. I'm amazed. Thank you for this awesome work.


Thank you Mr. Russell for pointing out the dichotomy between religion & spirituality.
Ya gotta serve somebody - Bob Dylan


These videos deserve a lot more views. Keep up the great work.


If there are intelligent aliens, there's always the possibility that they show up and are already members of something very much like one of the existing religions on Earth. Sure, even if that happened there are bound to be differences, but I don't see much speculative writing on this particular angle and I find the concept fascinating.


Turns out I'm an alien in my own world. (And not a particularly intelligent one at that.)


I was asking myself a million times: How could aliens blend in the simulation theory? Can't wait to watch this episode. Thanks a lot.


Robert looks as if he has perfected his interview face to project the appropriate emotions at the right time and keeping his actual feelings well under cover


If God exist and Aliens exist, what makes Gill Tarder believe that God is superior to Aliens? Maybe God is one of many aliens. We only see God as God only because he is our creator, and the only reason we see him as God is because of our ignorance.


If cultures on different continents had each own their "God" or "deities" why different space races cant have a similar idea of God ? The problem is that the episodes always pitch against dogmatic religion against "atheist science" ... Forgetting all the ocean that there is in the middle. Btw listening a NASA "historian" that talk about a "center of the universe" is frightening .


As always Great subject discussed ! Rationally thinking, considering Christian idea of GOD ( including Jesus as savior) has not been successful in convincing the entire mankind of this Blue planet itself, the thought of applying the same GOD ideology to other planets potentially more intelligent creatures somehow seems to be little ridiculous thinking !


Quantum reality suggest we are both alone and not alone as hard as that can be to wrap one's mind around.


Surely everything depends on what the aliens we meet have got to say for themselves. Say for instance If they know much better our universe's history, and if so a God/s creation theory to the universe as well.


This reminds me of a time I was talking to a few friends and they were talking about a topic in agreement. Agreed about everything mentioned about it. Then the name of the person who initially talked about said topic was mentioned. 1 of these friends didnt like this person and suddenly everything was BS and agreement was gone. Its funny how people can agree on something until the name of someone they dont like is part of it.
WHAT IF... "ALIENS" are our Gods? DO you lose faith or deny the possible source of where it began? In the end who knows. Nobody I know has ever talked to a alien or God. Lets face it, prayers is not the same as having a conversation and doesnt count as talking to God. I have seen some miracles and I do have faith, but not sure in what. I have faith in what I experienced, but not in what another man/woman tells me I should believe.
What would people think about us and our technology 500 years in the past? What about 1000's of years in the past? We dont even build starships that can travel the stars yet, and we might have been considered godly in their eyes, and possibly considered a God.
Also we cant ignore how many times scriptures have been translated and published. Errors and/or deceit also have a high probability. Has anyone ever wondered why there are scriptures locked away and have never been printed for anyone to read? Why is "GOD WORDS TO MANKIND" locked away for nobody to read? Could it say something that scares the church of losing their power? Jesus fought the church for using their power to exploit their position, and he was crucified for it. But hey, they say Jesus' death restored mankinds relationship with God.


A Christian saying that "Little Green Jesus" is "pretty ridiculous" is very funny. Like an immaculately conceived middle-eastern magician is totally normal, but the same thing on another planet is absurd.


On one hand: God spent 9 billion years doing stuff before spending a week making Earth.

On the other hand: the aliens could have a selfies with Moses and Jesus.


Dont need alien, just Reason, logic, science, common sense underminds it


The depth and serenity of these videos contrast with the shallowness and affected arrogance of most of the comments down here.


Religion develops whenever necessary. We no longer believe in many things we once believed in.


All life forms foreign to Earth, is extraterrestrial, by definition. We are living in a multidimensional universe. God has created all things, both visible and invisible. All of the Heavens and the Earth. Angels are Spirits in their being, their purpose is different from that of Man. They are superior in stature, and intelligence, compared to man, they also have the freedom to choose. They were created immortal, in the image of God, they have a everlasting life, thankful, willingly offering service to the praise and worship of their God and Creator. The Angels are in service to the perfection of God's Will, in all Creations, and Heavens. The rebellion of Lucifer, and a third of heaven's host of angels, caused the War in Heavens. At times we may entertain an angel, for we know, from the scriptures, they can visit the Realm of the Earth. Hebrews 13:2. All life from outside the Realm of Earth, is a extraterrestrial life form. Angels are always visiting earth. Just as was Adam, they likewise are called, the sons of God. Job 38:7. Plain Simple Truth. Jesus said, his kingdom is not of this world. 🌎 John 18:36. God's Word is Truth.


It wouldn't undermine God, it would undermine the man made holy texts that have been used by religions.
