God Spoke to Me About Kathryn Krick and This is What He Showed Me - Prophecy | Troy Black

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I wanted to share with you an important lesson God showed me through Kathryn Krick's example. She's doing an amazing job building God's Kingdom, and there are many things I have to show that biblically back her ministry.

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#KathrynKrick #Prophecy #TroyBlack
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Thank you Troy! I am so blessed by your humility, transparency, honesty and obedience to God! I pray many may be touched by God through this video.


Lately I’ve been so much harsher on people, and not being merciful at all to others mistakes/short comings. It’s because of my pride, thinking I know better or can do better. This video blessed me and encouraged me to recognize my faults. God bless you all


Well, I just received deliverance from her ministry this past weekend at her Kentucky revival and I don’t care what anyone says, I’m And it feels so good!

I’m going to another one of her events so My family can receive even more freedom. We were freed from the specific things we renounced, but the Holy Spirit has now revealed to me more things that I want to renounce and receive deliverance from in the presence of his anointing.


I love your heart to defend God's anointed. I didn't know what to think of her, but an angel came into my room and pointed at her video. A few weeks later she came to my state, I saw her, got freedom and she gave me a word that changed my life forever. There was love and fruit there. You will know them by this!


Just another proof that this man is truly on the right path with the Lord. You are awesome Troy! Well done in showing the strength to admit a weakness. We all have them and hearing the Holy Spirit when he rebukes us is one of the best signs that our walk is really focused on HIS WILL for us. May God continue to bless your ministry and your life.


But why do I have a check in my spirit about her? I have no skin in the game, so to say. I'm not in ministry. I have no jealousy or envy towards her. Please know my heart is not to attack her. I often roll my eyes at all the zealous heresy hunters and those so quick to judge ministers, but there is something off and I don't know what it is.


Apostle Katherine Krick has been in the wilderness for over 5 years until God release her I a powerful way. I'm so glad for her


You shouldn't send people to another ministry unless you are sure they are of God first


As long as we are in the flesh we are subject to temptation no matter what role in the church God has assigned to us. We are not free from weaknesses until we reach heaven.


Be thankful that the Holy Spirit pointed this out to you Troy.
This shows that God is truly with you and working through you.
We're all God's children, and he can use us in different ways. Some slow and some fast. But we all serve the same God, and he will reward or judge us according to our work.
May his blessings be with you and ministry always.


Love this! Church has been trained to look a certain way for so long, that when God shows up through someone a certain way, the action of God Himself gets questioned! But, praise God for Humility and Obedience of these ministers of God, that our generation is seeing revival! And it is spreading all across the globe! Let us be a part of the revival Lord Jesus!


I’ve been with Kathryn for almost 2 years now serving with 5F Worship and as her LIVE Feed Camera prayer (operator) I’ve seen first hand the maturing and anointing grow with the ministry. I never wanted to be a part of a “deliverance ministry” so God had to bring me through organically. I’ve seen so many unexplainable miracles and beautiful healing happen in the name of Jesus. Kathryn is pure of heart and ALWAYS gives all glory to God.
I weeped through this entire video which for me is confirmation of the Holy Spirits presence. Thank Mr. Black for your honesty and transparency.


Thank You Lord Jesus for raising up Troy for this.


I'm Dutch and when I saw video's of Kathryn Krick, I said to the Lord: 'If I need to go to the US for my deliverance, I will go.' And then I saw that she comes to The Netherlands! It's awesome! 🔥


Troy, thank you for being open and challenging the body of Christ to be totally open to God doing things His way.


Love Kathryn Krick!!
She is a true modern apostle.
I absolutely love seeing Holy Spirit administer the ministry gift of Apostle to women!


This is awesome!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 your humility is refreshing to the body of Christ!


Amen, brother. Amen. May our hearts burn with the purity of Christ's love and may we love one another and labor together and edify one another. May selfish ambition and jealousies and religiosity be burned away. Where Jesus is exalted and people are being healed and set free in His name is from Him! Hallelujah! God is testing hearts and turning over the tables in the body of Christ. Jesus Himself said, these signs WILL follow believers. Thank you for speaking this so honestly.


Hi Troy, it's been a while that I haven't watched one of your videos and commented. All I can say is the Lord spoke clearly that the field is big and the labors are few. People must understand that there's plenty for everyone in the field to operate in the power and gift the Lord has given. The mentality we must have when seeing others is thank you because at least that person is reaching people on places and areas where you can't. We must work along in the body to make it functional accordingly and stay focus on Jesus our Shepherd and Mentor.


God bless you Brother. . I love how God is using her. . She preached for years with only 15 or less people. Yet she stayed faithful. God saw her faithfulness. God bless you both.and your ministries. . To God Be The Glory.!! Thank you for sharing Brother. God will honor your faithfulness. 🙏🙏🙏..God convict all the naysayers and open their eyes. 🙏
