Rick Levine Astrology Forecast for February 2020

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WE MADE IT THROUGH THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE! OR DID WE?? The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is now in the past. But Mercury’s retrograde dance that begins in Pisces on February 16 keeps the pressure on Saturn and Pluto all month. Additionally, Mars enters Capricorn the same day Mercury turns retrograde, refueling the Mountain Goat’s ire. The Leo Full Moon on February 8-9 sets our desires for individual expression against the needs of the larger group or community. The Pisces New Moon on February 23 is a potent marker that activates rebellious Uranus, indulgent Jupiter, pleasurable Venus, mischievous Mercury, and impulsive Mars. The jumble of entangled cosmic energy should prove this to be a real turning point.

On the lighter side, a fantasy-prone Jupiter-Neptune sextile on February 20 strikes a note of visionary awareness. Dreams can become real, but they can also mislead us. We may have trouble separating fact and fiction throughout 2020, since this pattern repeats on July 27 and October 12. Although we may overindulge when Venus squares Jupiter on February 23, there is real magic that floods the land once the dams give way. The Sun and Mercury shine the light of awareness through the end of the month on a Mars-Uranus trine that’s exact on February 21. Innovation and breakthrough require us to look ahead, rather than behind.

All in all, there is a lot of inner planet noise; we will hear it shake the windows and rattle the walls, but the more energy that’s released now, the healthier we can be when we enter totally new territory next month.


~ Rick Levine
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Dec 1st 2022, I'm just going over my second Saturn return dates, & thought I'd take a look at the Time of Saturn's exact return degree, which coincided with jan Feb 2020, ! You know Rick , you totally KNEW, what was unfolding but didn't KNOW that you KNEW Retrospectively, this Feb forecast absolutely nailed it, the mercury movements, the full moon in Leo, the king(life giving Sun in exile, moons dispositor ) I've Saturn out of sect in the 8th, so I had a dreadful time with my teeth, and my darling cat was attacked by a wild dog and died of his injuries, BUT watching this podcast, just at the beginning of IT ALL, !!! Mercury, in mute Pisces. I don't believe the plague, just evolved, , If only the book burners, hadn't destroyed so much knowledge, sometimes I think, its as though we are trying to run a marathon, wearing stilettos, x


Rick, this was the best I've ever seen from you. You have grown exponentially since 2016. This expansion of the months hits were a great example of your skills and experience of being an astrologer . Thank you for sharing.


Whether we like it or not, old structures (beliefs) have to go to make way for the new. Thank you, as always, Rick for all you do for us!


Great synopsis, great detail. The ever astute Rick Levine! Thank You!


Venus in Scorpio here! Aries ascendant, Libra, moon in Sagittarius, I'm convinced that all I can do is smile and help everyone that I can. Blessings to you dear Rick and this beautiful community 🙏❤👰🙏👼🦋🏝


I once had a friend who worked in farm animals and the like. She was Aries Sun, Moon in Cap and Mercury in Pisces. I have never met any other person who would equal her amazing ability to know rather intricately about a variety of subjects, almost any subject. She knew about machinery, about cars, car motors, animals, food processing, psychiatry, history. You name it. And she was not an asperger. She was a people person. The older I get, and the more people I meet, no one comes near her supremacy. And she was not an academic, not a learned nor formally educated person. She just had this ODD and mystic inner encyclopedia, and she just knew things and was able to explain how things function and are inter related. She explained to me how a car motor works (I did not get it). I once asked her to read my work I needed to do to my thesis. She helped me and was stunning in her mentoring. I got the best possible grade.


Whew! A lot of information and very well outlined and put together. I really enjoyed this walk through.


Wow ! The new moon energy surrounding my birthday on the 23rd is something I can't wait to see ! 51doesnt seem so bad after all lol


Thank you Rick! I'm pisces sun/moon 6°/0° respectively, and my birthday is the 24th! I guess it will be one helluva ride.


Thank you for your perspective on Mercury Rx. I'm a little tired of life grinding to a halt three times a year. I can't just quit everything.... ❤🙏


Thank you as always Rick!! Woah what a month! Feeling it! This is a year full of rebirths and I just had a merc return, now venus return and soon mars return. Going lightening speed is not my way with a Taurus rising but I am acclimating to change, flow, and speed, all while sitting in silence on the inside daily and attempting to master this new level. Step, balance, breathe 💖🙏🏼


Thank you for the great report Rick. God bless


Thanks so much Rick! Sending Blessings!🕊️


Lordy! It's my Birthday an hr or so before that New Moon. Wish me luck guys! Thank you, Rick =) <3


48:38 Nice tattoo!
Thank you, Rick Merlin ✨


Holy cow!!! What a wild ride Rick!! Thanks so much for being here❤️👍🏼 I'm loving this ride, and I've got my seat belt on, WHOA!!!


Love the Jupiter Saturn relationship-process you focused on. You inspire me everytime. Thank you for mentioning the boundryless of Neptune, helped me remember the expansiveness of Neptune - yes it feels boundary-less. All my Libra stellium sit in the 12, and taught me how to expand boundaries into the mystic. Life is charmed with If I dream it, the faith available in the 12th House demonstrates miraculously, even a frog that spoke audible English when it needed to call me to help him get the predatorial snake away from its captive leg. I didn't know that frogs could speak English, on this land, a Pisces, called "the wetlands", a Piscean stream flows with spring water. I have Neptune in the 12th conjoined Venus. Thank you for teaching this great meta-science that makes life magical when appreciating the downloads and upgrades Creator Source gives, magical degrees 360, esp 90's 180's!!! When will you be in Seattle want to meet you, feel like I know you...Norse Lands? Blessings on your travels Marlena/Astrologer


I have Venus in Aries, too, probably why I'm still single (and comfortably so) after all these years.


Thank you again for your brillant report ! Plus, I am a Scorpio, Virgo rising and a Mars and moon in Pisces, Whoa. Plus lived in Thailand for 20 years and moved from Boulder, CO, Peace and Love


Always great advice and explanations, thank you so much. I always look forward to your vids.
